Unraveling The Tragedy

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We're both miserable bastards who should stay dead......

Most of the humans have died along with the kansens against an absolute authority - the world itself. The survivors gather together and stitch what remains of civilization. There are no Sirens or those deep sea horrors to be an enemy of humanity left when the world judged every living being to be a a threat. The remaining kansens are either dying or the META ones protecting them. Either way, everyone is at a dead end, unsure where to continue or where to even start.

"Even if I apologize, the dead won't hear my guilt. This is a burden that would torment me for the rest of my life....."

Tyrant walks among the remnants of an Iron Blood base, unfazed by the searing heat of the still raging flames and the black smoke blanketing the once bright sky. In her arms is an unconscious Prinz Eugen somehow clutching a folded burned fabric in her hand. That Prinz Eugen has been injured but it quickly gets undone due to her immense strength as a META. Tyrant is a failure to become one, but she's unscathed in the aftermath.

"I don't know why we're still alive.....and I don't know why did I have to be sane again.....to face the horrifying sin I committed......"

Even if Prinz Eugen doesn't respond while Tyrant carefully carries her, Tyrant's vacant eyes only stare at her path. She's wandering in what used to be her home, unsure where to escape the flames ravaging the destroyed buildings.

"You're still here. I thought you ran from the results of your actions again....."

Prinz Eugen wakes up groaning with her head mildly dizzy and her legs a briefly numbed from the pounding pain. She finds herself leaning against a wall with her left hand still clutching the burned remains of someone's red silk cape. Unfortunately, she exhales in dismay when she immediately spots Tyrant kneeling on the floor with both plans pressing the ground.

"In the end, this is what you've become...." Prinz Eugen feels the dusty destroyed wall she's leaning on

The red fabric in her hand is still somewhat in piece but its ends have been burned and charred stained the once bright red silk. Prinz Eugen lifts her hand to weakly wrap the fabric on her left arm. It's not that she's lazy, it's that she has little strength to spare that she couldn't even stand up and to closely insult the sobbing Tyrant.

"You went ahead and saved me just before I could die. What the hell is wrong with you?" Prinz Eugen doesn't really care anymore
"I'm sick and tired of this. All this war, all this dying, a this fighting. I had enough of everything!"

Tyrant angrily punches the ground. Her fist breaks the surface first then repeatedly pounds a crater until the cracks far from her. Bismarck is gone, so there's no enemy for her to blame and lash out. Just like everyone else, Tirpitz is at a dead end with little to no purpose left.

"You've been warned you'd lose something.....but you didn't listen. Well, I didn't listen and now both Wales and Hipper are dead. I never listened even after the first one....."

To finish wrapping the burned fabric, Prinz Eugen uses her right hand and teeth to pull both sides to secure it on her arm. There's no injury, but it's the only method she could do to preserve the memento and make it easier to carry around.

"Just put me out of my misery already......." Tyrant lowers her head while she remains on the ground
"I can't even get myself killed. How do you expect me to kill you?" Prinz Eugen grunts
"I don't know when I'd lose myself again, Eugen. So I'm begging you.....to set me free.....from this thing eating me away....."
"Even if I want to kill you, I don't have enough power. Surviving.....is our punishment" Prinz Eugen rests her head on the the wall
"You don't know how it feels like to struggle against myself. I don't want to forget the way I am right now....."

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