Chapter One: The new land

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Life is all about the pace. And with that statement, you could say- Soobin's life has always been in a constant, a steady pace. There were more ups than the downs. The future has already been set up since he was young, when he was 5, when he just wanted to play with the goddamn toy car- when his father jokingly pointed at the man in the black-business-suit with a neat lame hair cut- appearing on the gloss of the tv screen and said "You gonna be like him one day, my son".

The young soobin only blinked and wondered what's his father was laughing about or what's the joke in there. The only plot twist was that- it was not a joke.

So as expected, Soobin was raised well. So gracefully well. Attended the top international school in Korea. Always acing the tests with flying colors. Always the student leader. Never swaying from the set goals. Though it was pressuring sometimes, the tall boy never complained. Why would he? Life is literally so blessed, the base foundation was strong.

Depression- that incomprehensible thing most people suffer from- Soobin learned but could never relate. Never really have much interest in anything or anyone though he dated quite a bunch of girls through middle school and high school- plainly because the girls showed interest in him. They didn't last long anyways. The ones who first showed interest in him are also the same ones who left him first. Soobin didn't understand what's the logic behind it but he couldn't care less. The center of his concentration is on more of the important matters- such as matters that would land him a great university.

And so he accomplished that. Took 7 majors for IGCSE exam and snatched A*s for all of them. His parents were ecstatic by the news and immediately contacted the agencies for foreign universities. After six months of various decisions of universities tossed aside by his parents, they finally found him a suitable one.

"Webster" the university in Thailand, specifically Bangkok- specifies in two majors : Computer science and Economics. Both majors last 4 years to earn a bachelor degree and the said piece of paper will not be given with the title of thai representative but as the degree from UK where Webster's first campus was formed. Somehow, soobin's parents saw his future in it - the country is not that far from Korea, living and eating expenses in that place is very decent, livelihood will high quality but also will be comfortable and easy- was what they convinced him.

Thus, the 18 years old boy travelled alone from Seoul to Bangkok, a month after the choice of the university was made. His parents didn't travel with him because you see, soobin was raised strong, never to be dependent on the adults. So, no. Travelling alone wasn't a bit scary or troubling but rather peaceful and serene . The lunch they served was okay expect for the despicable, chalk-like bitterness of the coffee offered by the flight attendant. But then again, it was only 5 hours of travelling and by the noon, soobin finally arrived at the Suvarnabhumi airport.

The said airport was impressively big, packed and crowded with various people from lots of countries that soobin had a hard time distinguishing which one could be from which country.

Nevertheless, the spacious place was neat and people were buzzing with friendly auras. The walk from the arrival gate to the immigration gate was about approximately 15 mins long. Normal people would be complaining but hey- quite the fortunate thing that soobin's body is 80 percent legs and that aid him to walk faster effortlessly.

Once the checking process was done, it was time to fetch the luggage and find the RA of the university who will be there to fetch Soobin, then take him to the assigned accommodation- basically an apartment where Webster students mostly resides at .

Thankfully those processes also went smoothly as his black, leather luggage was found as soon as he stood in front of the conveyor belt and the supposedly RA guy called Taehyun was already waiting for Soobin, holding the medium sized sign "WEBSTER UNIVERSITY" which is hard to miss and the flashy, silver-dyed hair of the guy made it more impossible not to notice the whole presence.

The two boys did a bit of chit chat during the 30 mins ride of the taxi, since the airport was located a bit further from the center of the town- where apparently both his apartment and university located.

Taehyun, 19 years old, third year computer science major student and is planning to study as an exchange student in UK for the last uni year. Soobin was wide eyed the whole conversation- indeed amused by the fact that this guy who is only a year older than him is already in the third year- that means this guy was here since he was 17???

Must be quite more of a diligent guy than he is, Soobin did a silent remark as his eyes were being flashed with the white velvet buildings and billboards- standing tall and firm.

It reminds him of the ever so bursting life of Seoul but the obvious difference was the weather. It is mid June, the time where new semesters start but compared to the cooler temperature of his hometown, Bangkok indeed is toasty- no, can even be considered boiling hot if the temperature goes up to 38 degrees- according to the online articles. Thanks to the air conditioning inside of their somehow expensive-looking taxi, Soobin had yet to feel the humid, tropical weather of Thai. But most of all, the first impression of this foreign land can already deemed good enough and Soobin couldn't help but feel hype about the new pace that is about to form in this new piece of land. 

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