Chapter Four: The Orange Party

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Even within the crisp of October air, Bangkok's weather hasn't gotten much cooler though the bite from the heat has slightly become bearable.

Students are finally free from the midterms at this time of the fall season and so soobin's first semester of uni year came to an end. Second semesters will only start on next January yet soobin and the boys decided not to return back home for the holiday break.

Truth to be told, soobin's hasn't felt a bit homesick for even once since coming to this new ground. Don't get him wrong, he loves his parents for certain but he's been living with them for the whole entire life. It wouldn't hurt to not go home for a little much longer. And with that mindset, it didn't take more than one persuasion- for other boys to convince the youngest to spend time with them.

October 31st, as the tradition, there be will an event for that- the first ever halloween party, the 18 years old will be attending. The party is to be hosted by the uni's RA group, which includes Taehyun and thus the silver haired boy, for surely invited them.

Yeonjun has been so jumpy about the party since the start of the week. "binnie, binnie, what should i dressed up as ??" yeonjun has asked as he was dancing to Kai's song "Mmmh"- in that glassy, sound proof room, moving his body ever so elegantly.

Those detailed body controls and the rapid movements seems so impossible for Soobin yet the older male made it look so effortless and simple.

Certainly, he has seen yeonjun's dancing for countless of times-both recorded and in person but every single time, the performances always made soobin awestuck in his dumbfounded state. And that "it's not a big deal soobin- you are giving me too much credits" is the same old encounter to soobin compliment's.

That day, once again, soobin has been so absorbed into older's body roll, respectfully that he didn't catch what yeonjun asked. He was only snapped out of the stunned state when the red haired male closed the song and took the empty seat beside him.


Yeonjun asked again, tilted his head a bit, then randomly took soobin's hand.

His skin tingles at the familiar touch, like always.

The sunflower scent seems overwhelming in these sort of moments. However, these kind of actions- the minimal skin ships, are pretty much normal between them. Nothing out of ordinary- not that they are holding hands everywhere though.

The older was wearing this playful grin of his, the one soobin's so used to too. The one yeonjun loves to use whenever he wants to annoy the boys - except soobin was never annoyed. And the older doesn't seem to notice those failed attempts of his.

"let's be vampires together binnie" yeonjun sounds so enthusiastic, with that nasally voice of his.

yes, okay

Soobin was to answer immediately but got too distracted by touch of black ink on his palm. Yeonjun was pouting by then, eye brows furrowed as he drew a pic of rabbit out of nowhere. Just a tiny one. Kind of cute - yes the drawing.

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