Chapter Six: The Hate Crime

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January, it's where the new semester starts. 

Everyone's back to the slow routine of being swamped with classes and assignments. Still, classes are not as boring as it seems. Except for that one class- Business Intelligence which the lecturer of the class handles the teaching- as though he, himself does not understands the subject. Quite a disastrous period as you could imagine. Could be considered lucky, if the students even get grade Es.

Soobin tried immersing himself into these school works in hopes of taking off the unsettled mind from the tension between him and yes yeonjun

He already messaged the older boy a thousands of apologies and the latter already assured he forgave him but somehow their bond seems disconnected. 

It's true that it's a fault on mostly soobin's part when he initially attempted to push away the other boy. But now that it's actually working- soobin doesn't feel good at all. No, he has been pondering a lot about that these days- by a lot means more than 24 hours a day unless he's dead asleep. 

"Do you like yeonjun?"

Soobin has been reciting that damn thing Beomgyu has cited into his brain. Intentional or not, now he can't stop thinking about it. It has been rotating around, against his skull. In all honesty, Soobin has never feel that kind of attraction towards another human for his entire life. Not even towards his ex-girlfriends. Moreover, he believes with certitude that he's straight

But is that really the case though? 

Soobin has been itching to know what the red haired male has been doing these days. It's like 180 degrees turn- the older male doesn't send him messages anymore, no more memes nor random complaints. Soobin was never a conversation starter so with the lack of messages from the other boy- he felt disheartened, been feeling like a the dead fish in his fridge. For certain, he does want to text but on the other hand, he also doesn't want to appear clingy. Besides, It might as well break the shell of the character he hold- soobin, the mature, calm and collected.

 Missing those humorless jokes and sugary giggles has been a constant. Goodbye to all those skin ships initiated from the other male too . "Do you want to come sleep over?"  Soobin dared for more than 10 times already and every time, he was met with the Karma

"No" was the ever flat response from the older. His voice ever so nonchalant. 

 No- it's not like yeonjun's acting cold or harsh towards Soobin. He still emits his small curves of smiles but for some reason, that's not enough for soobin. Those eyes prettier than the stars up that mighty sky, no longer flee towards him more than a second or two. And soobin doesn't enjoy a bit of the turmoil it left inside his chest. 

What's happening? 

Maybe just a small crush. Soobin talks in his head everyday, weighting all the possibilities and once again, soobin is not dumb- he reckon that his past phrasing might have been a little bit in defect. Which means he 's NOT straight. Just a small crush though. Not impossible to fade away with time. 

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