Well This Isn't Akward

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I have big news to tell everyone,  so I'm going to Spain to walk the Camino walk. And I was planning to update over the holidays since I haven't during the term but it looks like I'll be gone a while. I kinda saw somthing around this same topic and chsngec it so it was more mine.

So today Chiron had called on all the campers to come to the Big House for some specific and very specail lessons. From what you had heard Aphrodite and Zeus were coming over for some important talk. You weren't excited but more curious, why were they choosing now to became better parents. Whatever the reason, you could hear Zeus and Aphrodite's voice as you neared the Big House.
Just as you had settled yourself at the outer ring of the large circle, you felt hands around your waist.
"Hey you" Leo sang into your ear, his warm to the touch breath tickling the back of your ear.
"Hey yourself,  how's that big tech-y machine of yours coming on" you said, you knew he was working on somethjng you just couldn't pronounce its name. But laughing non the less he answered with some much childish excitement, you could have died at his adorableness.
"It going super well, just added the screen,  motor and now I'm adding th-"
"Slow down Leo, as much as I would love to be willingly confused by all the over components to that thingy-ma-bobby. How 'bout you tell me why we're here" you interrupted him, feeling like the conversation had taken quite a turn.
"Well we are having the talk my dear Y/N" Leo replied.
"Well this is bound to be akward. But why are we having it in front of everyone one, shouldn't genders be separated" you asked, but Leo didn't seem to mind.
"Well, I guess they wanted all of us to know. We all grow up and stuff, so yeah?" Leo confusedly asked, but you weren't listening,  you know had questions of your own.
"Hey Leo, do you shave" you randomly blurted out, it was a question Leo hadn't thought you would ask.
"What! I-I, well um, you see, I haven't fully grown,  and um, well." He was nevrous and scratching the back of his neck looking down. But by his response you knew.
"So you don't shave, aww Leo that's so cute. So Hephaestus still has time to teach you, you lucky jalapeño. "You were gushing at just how red Leo went.
"Well, yeah I geuss. "He was still looking down but suddenly his head shot up, mischief in his eyes.
"I am lucky, my godly parent is the same gender as me, makes these talks less akward. But imagine you, having to talk to Hades about periods, NO NO imagine having to talk to Nico." Leo now was making up the rather uncomfortable conversation out.
"Imagine it, Nico asking about the blood stains thinking you sat on a thorn bush, like the last time" Leo was laughing his heart out, but you on the other had were embarrassed.  Your eyes wide you mouth agape.
"First of all, I was pushed onto that thorn bush and secondly shut up! You said, now trying to cover  cover Leo's mouth. But once it proved impossible,  you started ignoring him .
"Hey I'm sorry,  but that was a rather funny conversation" Leo said his arm now around your shoulder.  What you both didn't realise was that you were talking loud and the whole camp plus Zeus and Aphrodite had heard the conversation. But Leo didn't seem to mind, you on the other hand were annoyed.
"Well this isn't awkard" you muttered you head now down.

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