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Maldives is a, beautiful small island state

A place where, exquisiteness n splendor mate.

For 30 years it was, under dictator Gayoom’s rule

In 2008, to protests- need for change added fuel.

Democracy laid a path, a new government was formed

President Nasheed was elected; with modern liberal ideas, Maldives was swarmed.

In 2012, suddenly the president resigned

No one knows; for this coup, who is behind.

They say they will wait for elections, till next year

Till then, mutiny and riots is what they fear.

To help the nations is need, is your vow

International pressure, where are you now?

In Maldives, will peace they deprive

Or  smiling, democracy will survive.

We pray, everything gets fine

Your nation once again, becomes divine!

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