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Land Of Aryans, it is called

In Zagros and Alborz, it is walled.

Shia Islam is practiced there

UN, NAM, OIC, OPEC; it is the fonding member fair.

Islamic Revolution of 1978, changed the politics at hand

Instituted a new regime and theocratic brand!

Ayatollah Khomeini returned back from exile

Soon, Iran- western relations turned hostile.

Ahmadinejad in 2005 elections rose

With his incoming, came hoards of foes.

Iran’s nuclear program it’s developed, to keep western atrocities at bay

To Israel, it says using nuclear power first; it is never going to betray.

Sanctions on Iran, UN has imposed

Now to route funds for petroleum products through, Asian Development Bank countries have proposed!

In showing itself as a powerful state, is it right?

Like Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan- the future is doomed or will we say bright?

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