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Outside the old campus building on the hill laid out an extensive forest. Within one of the trees on a branch high in a tree, sat a girl with long blue hair in twin braids reaching her mid-calf swinging behind her. Matching blue eyes latch on to one student in particular. One with light blue hair and blue eyes. Her eyes burrow into the side of the student's head. 

The teacher at the front was female but the blue-haired girl didn't pay attention to her. What really caught her attention was a light green-haired girl that sat to the left of the blue-haired boy. The girl was chatting carefreely with the boy.

Laughing could be heard next to the girl in the trees.

"Shut up. He's just being nice." the blue-haired girl said.

Whisper in her ear refutes her statement.

"He wouldn't do that." commenting back.

The girls glare darts between both students. A snarl made its way to her face.

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Feeling eye upon him Nagisa looks out the window of the classroom into the forest beyond. Noticing rustling in the trees Nagisa holds his breath. A raven flying through the trees, lands on a branch. Nagisa jumps hearing someone's voice right next to him. Releasing a sigh of relief realizing it was just a girl with green hair, a friend of his named Kaede.

"Hey, Nagisa! What are you looking at?" question Kaede.

Turning back to Kaede and almost told her about the feeling he felt but changed his mind saying it was nothing and to forget about it.

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