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The classroom was silent as the teacher passed out the previous test score to the students. When the teacher came by Powder table she handed Powder her test face down. Powder released a sigh as she turned the paper over. Looking down and covering her face with her tiny hands. The grade she received was a 'B-' her mother will be so upset with her.

Powder's mother was always strict with what she wore how she acted and looked, and was especially strict with her grades. That's just how she was. Her mother, Hiromi Shiota, was always controlling. Powder's twin brother also has to go through the same treatment. However, Powder got it worse, considering Powder was Hiromi's preferred gender for her child. When Powder was younger than 10 years she would always dress Powder up in fancy frilly dresses and styled Poders hair in intricate hairstyles that primarily consisted of multiple braids.

This was her last class of the day. Pulling herself together grabbed her bag stuffing the test inside and got up from her desk and head to her locker to leave. Whispers followed her as she walked down the hall. Powder was used to this. Hair strange name was enough to cause bullying but her abnormal natural hair color only added to it. Keeping her head down she continued to her locker.

Reaching her locker and opening it up and changing her shoes and heading to walk home alone. Her twin, Nagisa Shiota, decided to walk home with some friends of his this time. Powder missed walking with her brother but if he wants to walk with his friends then she's willing to respect that besides she didn't want to be a bother to him anyway.

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A teen maybe 16 or 17 with blonde hair sat on a crate in an alley with some of his buddies, watching, waiting. When a blue-haired girl walked by one of his goons smacked his shoulder pointing out the girl walking past. Getting up from his position and following her.

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Powder walked down the streets with her vibrant blue hair pulled back into a single braid that reached her upper back. When she walked by a boy with blonde hair sitting on a wooden box rocking a metal bucket back and forth and flipping a coin between his fingers.

"Hey. Blueberry," he called out.

Powder froze and stared at the ground. 

"you finished my work like I asked." tosing the coin up in the air and catching it.

Powder sucked in a breath. She had forgotten, she had been so focused on studying and getting her own work done that she forgot to start his.

"Uh...about that..." Powder trailed off turning towards him and backing away, getting ready to make a break for it.

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