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Powder awoke from her bed and shut off her alarm next to her bed. Groaning as she stretched out her arms above her head.  Swing her legs over the side and flopped back down onto her bed.


"Come on we're gonna be late!" a male voice sounded from the other side of her door.

Groaning again she sat up and walked to her closet pulling out her school uniform. Getting changed then moved over to her vanity to style her blue hair. Powder's mother barges through the door walking over to powder by her vanity standing behind her daughter.

"You need to look perfect for school," Hiromi says while grabbing a brush and running it through Powder's hair. 

The brush catches a knot but Hiromi doesn't stop ripping through the knot. Powder whimpers trying to pull her head away from her mother. 

"Sit still," her mother growing frustrated with her slapping her face "you need to be perfect."

A tear falls down Powder's cheek as she stops struggling to stay still as her mother continues to tare through her hair. Finishing brushing Powder's hair Hiromi grabs a ponytail and begins to braid the blue hair. Adding the finishing touches of hair clips to keep Powder's bangs out of her face.

"There. You look beautiful." Hiromi sighs admiring her work.

Hiromi wipes under Powder's eye removing a tear.

"Go get some breakfast and leave for school, you don't want to be late." Hiromi says as she leaves the room.

Looking at herself in the mirror wiping her tears away and left the room closing the door behind her. Powder arrives at the dining room grabbing a waffle and taking a bite out of it.

"Come on! We gotta go!"

Nagisa grabs Powder's wrist pulling her out the door dropping the waffle in the process. Both of them heading off to school.

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Powder looks away from the window to the left of her as the teacher dismisses the class. Getting up from her desk she grabs her school bag and leaves the classroom. Whispers followed her again as she walked down the hall to her locker. Reaching the entrance of the school she heads to her locker. Snickers could be heard behind her as she approached. Turning to them she finds a group of three girls hovering near one another laughing quietly.

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