Chapter 26

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Samuel, Maxwell and I sprinted to our supply tent to grab our armour and weapons while meeting up with Kevin and the others. Like an ordered domino, the soldiers went in and out in an orderly pattern.

"Come on, Hurry! the fire is getting closer to the camp," Kevin ordered everyone,

Everyone starts running towards the middle, while the intellectual squad calculates the velocity and the force of impact that the fire balls will hit.

Before we could get in proper position the fire bombs were already a few feet away. The orange flame of doom was flying closer and closer, and the calculation wasn't complete yet. There was no more time left wasting. Without thinking I shouted at the mages beside me.

"Quickly make a shield with whatever you've got! All of you!,"

The sound of magic being casted and with a small hiss, a shield created by ice, earth, fire, wind, and water was created. The five elements slowly infused together with many layers protecting everyone, turning into a huge clear, transparent shield towards the sky covering the top of the camp.

Just as the infused shield was about to be complete the fire balls came crashing down. It hit the shield so hard the impact nearly pushed me to the ground, I could feel my arms weakening but I kept it up. I could feel from my provisional sight of some mage falling down from the impact. This caused the shield to weaken as they let go of their focus and caused the spell to break.

I stared up towards the sky and towards the hill above as I noticed the demon army across from us slowly revealing themselves from the top of the mountain. The sound of drums and screaming could be heard as I looked up at them and the demons looked down at us with mockery. And in the middle of this Army, the ruler, the monarch and the brains of this plan. I could make out Cole's silhouette. As I stared at him in anger, I could feel him notice my presence and stare back down at me.

I am so pissed. How dare he play with my feelings.

I quickly turned towards Kerain and Cameron on the other side trying to keep the shield up as well. And shouted "Kerian, Cameron! Leave the shield to the phoenix squad. Maxwell's squad already went for the sneak attack. You guys should go attack from the front!"

Kerian and Cameron both stared at me as if I was a hundred percent certain to leave the shield to them, while Samuel on the other side gave them a reassuring smile. So they gave us a nod and we split up.

Trying to protect the camp the fireball kept falling from the sky. The weaker people around me kept falling at every impact and climbing back up to start over. The spirit of a team and loyalty greatly hit me as I felt a sense of pride of being part of the kingdom.

As the last fireball was about to hit the shield, arrows came flying and shot the soldiers from below the shield as we were focusing on keeping the camp safe. We missed the arrows coming towards us.

"That is plain playing weak!" Samuel screamed from across the field. "Such Cowards! Can't they just face us face to face, They just have to play random tricks!"

"There is nothing we can do... there is no law when it comes to war." I said as I looked up into the dark clouded sky in the bright early morning, reminding myself to be more careful.

"Justin, what are we suppose to do then," Samuel asked as he flung the arrows away from him.

I looked up at Cole's silhouette and smirked "if they want to play... Let's play." 

I died and reincarnated on my birthdayWhere stories live. Discover now