Chapter 19

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Justin White Above

-1 year later- 

"NOW LETs  WELCOME THE CANDItATES OF THIS YEAR'S BOY's CATEGORY"  One of the MC's started the Boy's category F.M.B (Fist and Magic Battle) 

"With Princess Maria sick, the girl's F.M.B was won by Princess Ashley," said the other MC

"We congratulate her for her lucky win" 

"Now let's introduce our first candidate, Samuel!" 

Samuel stepped forward with his fiery red hair flowing in the wind and casually waved at everyone. 

"Samuel, how do you feel?" The MC asked, 

"I'm ready to beat Kerian this year," Samuel said glaring at Kerian. 

"Isn't that a nice goal"

"The Next Candidate, Prince Cameron!" 

And so a few more strong boys until...

"Now, we have a new candidate this year, he is actually Princess Maria's twin brother that became famous very quickly, Prince Justin!" 

I stepped out of the line, and a loud cheer was heard (from the ladies). I stared at the crowd with my best smile and did a little bow. 

"Prince Justin, how do you feel about your first time at the F.M.B" 

'Actually, it's not my first time... I've won the girls F.M.B four years in a row, so....' I told Sky in my mind. 

'Hurry up and answer the MC question' Sky scolded me, 

"Of course," I gave the MC a chilling smile, "I would win" 

The crowd was silent for a few seconds until one of my maids at the Pheonix castle cheered and everyone awkwardly did the same. While the whole time, Kerian was just staring at me suspiciously. 

"Well moving on, we have our four-year CHamp. Prince Kerian!" 

And a bigger scream echoed in my ears as the crowd stood and cheered for him, as Kerian stepped out of his lane. 

"Now let's start the first battle!" the MC excitedly screamed, 

"Prince Justin Vs Leonardo" 

Both of us stood out of onto the court fo battle. We have a lot of space and the crowd is protected by very thick glass. 

I quickly scanned my opponent. He looks pretty buff with muscles and a clear eight pack under his thin shirt, but his face... 

'Let's not judge people by their looks...' Sky said in my head, "Remeber, Justin only has Ice and healing powers and nothing else, do you understand, don't use wind by mistake.' 

'Yeah yeah, got it, Dad' 

'HEY! I'M NOT OLD!' Sky shouted, 

On the other side of the thick glass sitting in an extravagant seat, Maria's father sneezes. 

"Now let the battle begin!" 

-Random Pov.-

Leonardo came running in full speed towards Justin (we're gonna call Maria, Justin from now on) 

Justin with a smile just dodged and continued to dodge every attack Leonardo gave him. For now, Justin is only defending. 

Suddenly, Leonardo jumped back and decided to use his magic instead and started to form fireballs and throwing them towards Justin.

 Again, Justin just dodged every single one of them with ease. His skills are so fast we could only focus on his shadow. 

Leonardo stopped throwing fireballs and realised that Justin wasn't in front of him and looked around, but before he could look to the side, he heard someone's bone click. It took him a while to feel pain around his neck and realised that his neck was twisted and he was now laying on the floor, with Justin staring down at him with a smile. 

Everything happened so fast that no one really noticed what happened, but they still cheered for the new candidate that somehow won that battle with speed. 

-Justin Pov.-

'See, Sky told you not to worry, I knew I wouldn't need to use my powers anyways'

'Stop being arrogant' Sky said

'Why do you sound like my dad?' 

'Because Dad's knows best'

'peh... Wasn't it mothers knows best?'


-Random POV- 

After a few more battles Samuel won all his battles and has reached semi-finalist as well as Cameron, Kerian and me. 

"Let's welcome Samuel and Prince Justin to the court for their semi-finalists Battle" 

Samuel met with a chilling ice blue eyes and Justin met with passionate red hair. 

"LET THE BATTLE BEGIN" Shouted the MC, but nobody moved, Both Justin and Samuel stayed still standing there with a strong aura. 

"Let the BATTLE BEGIN!" Screamed the MC again... Still, both of them didn't move as if trying to bring the person down by just their aura itself. 

Suddenly green plants from underneath Justin started twirling around his foot making it unable for Justin to move, While Justin was distracted about the branches around him, Samuel ran up to Justin with full speed ready to punch him in the chest, when an ice storm hit Samuel hard, forcing him to move back. 

The ice Strom has fully covered the spot where Justin stood and no one could see what he was doing. 

Suddenly the branches that were supposed to be around Justin's foot shot right up and hanging on to it was Justin himself. He has used his healing powers to make the trees grow taller. He quickly jumped off the tree and was about to give Samuel a high kick when Samuel rolled over on to the side, and Justin had to change a position in the air to land safely. 

Samuel then merged his fire and nature powers together (Maria taught him this) and formed a very big fire that was a shape of a lion towards Justin. 

Justin did some hand actions and an ice Pheonix was formed. It was a giant ice storm vs a gigantic fire. It clashes and Samuel is blown off and hits the wall on the side, while Justin only staggered a bit. 

Justin uses this chance and punches into Samuels's chest and a rib is broken. Samuel couldn't stand anymore from the pain so Justin wins that round and is moving on to the finals. 

-Justin Pov- 

'Oh I wanted to do that so bad, since the first time I met him' Justin said in his mind 

'...' Sky is always speechless by his master. 

The next battle was between Cameron and Kerian. It was a tight battle but in the end Kerian still won with his many sneak attacks. 

I'm so excited to beat Kerian's ass, and smug that ugly smirk off his face whenever he wins the boy's category. 

However, right now I should probably go visit Samuel and Cameron in the hospital before the finals start. 

I still feel bad for breaking Samuel's ribs... Maybe I went too far?

"Hey, Samuel you ok?"

"I'm surprised you came to see me, after breaking not one.. but TWO of my ribs" 

"Sorry! I went too overboard" 

"You know? sigh" 

"Well, go beat Kerian's Ass to apologise then," Samuel said, "I don't want to see that smirk again" 

"Yes SIR!" 

I died and reincarnated on my birthdayWhere stories live. Discover now