Chapter 3

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Now I'm three years old, I am finally allowed outside after a year of begging to mother and father. They actually built my very own garden so I don't meet any phoenixes. There is this rule that you are not allowed to meet any phoenixes until you are 8 years old where you form a contact with a Pheonix. I also get to know my power on my 5-year-old birthday. 

But, living three years here I realised something... This is an otome game I played when I was still Ruby. Also, if I was going to reincarnate.. why into a villains body instead of a mob character.  

It would have been so relaxing and easy if I was just a mob character, so I don't risk dying. 

The game heroine is called Muse Bright and she is from the Pegasus Kingdom. No wonder I liked the Pegasus Kingdom because the main reason why I even played the game was that the main character lived with Pegasuses. Muse was cute. She also had a great personality and she was also very feminine. She plays a lot of musical instruments, she's a really good painter, she also writes poems and she makes her own clothes as she enjoys it. 

There are 4 love targets, Prince Kerian of dragon kingdom, Prince Cameron of Cat kingdom, Prince Maxwell of Griffin Kingdom and Scholar Samuel from the Pheonix Kingdom. If my memory is right they all first met Muse at ten years old as she was adopted into the Pegasus Kingdom. They met me first on my five-year-old birthday

Also Now that I think about it... The Fox kingdom had a Princess called Ashley Nine and Prince Cameron had a twin that was a girl called Princess Katherine. I must try hard to avoid them 

Now, Back to me... Maria's life was spoiled all the way until she planned to kill Muse as she wasn't getting the love targets to love her as they all fell for Muse. Even in court, I remember that she said: " I don't regret admitting murder but I regret not killing Muse". Just thinking about it makes me shiver. Her personality was absolutely horrible but she was so beautiful that people had to look at her twice before remembering her personality. After she was sent to jail, everyday one of the Princes will come to torture her, as they all hated her. She was tortured to death and Samuel became the next heir to the Pheonix Kingdom. My parents were sad for my death but they also thought it was for the best as they couldn't have taught a daughter to say such cruel words. 

My plan.. I'm going to ignore the love targets and heroine and keep at least  1 mile away from them. So that in the future I won't get tortured by them. After I figured that all out I decided to make myself independent and strong like my old self. 

I go to the garden every day to practice martial arts and spends my time in the library at night learning all the information I will need for the future. I spend my day practising with rabbits, I made myself a small wooden dagger that perfectly fits in my hand. The rabbits kicks hurt, every time I will get at least five bruises before being able to hit the rabbit. What's cute is that whenever I poke the wooden dagger at the rabbits they act like they are dying and the other rabbits will come and squeeze some tomato juice on the rabbit to make the effect more dramatic. I also made a really tall wooden person and I would hit at him every day, as I was an assassin in my past life so my speed was fast for a three years old but not fast enough the speed wasn't my true potential. Before the sun sets I will wash all the rabbit's fur in the pond in my garden and I will be in my togs and I would swim with the fishes in the pond. Practising to become fitter. My mother knew I was practising martial arts in the garden and getting myself and the rabbits hurt so she decided to make the pond have the power to heal wounds. My mother has the power of Healing. Every time I go in I would feel refreshed and the bruises on me would disappear. At night, my maids will tuck me in bed nicely and switch the light off and wish me a good night. Of course, I didn't go to sleep it was only 8 pm so I go to the library and read books after books until it was 10:30 pm. I don't want to sleep too late as I am still three years old and I need food and sleep to help me grow tall and strong. 

It will be two more years before I meet the love targets I must prepare myself. 

Here are the pictures. Btw all the photos in my book are not mine so I'm gonna give credits to all those who drew these. 😁

Maria White: Three years old 

Maria White: Three years old 

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her garden... Soz, could you guys imagine a bigger water space under the bridge 

 Soz, could you guys imagine a bigger water space under the bridge 

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I died and reincarnated on my birthdayWhere stories live. Discover now