Chapter 22

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we made eye contact and then he turned around and walked outside to the balcony. 

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air" I said in a hurry, obviously looking distracted. 

"Are you ok? You look a mix between pale and red" Samuel said in a worried tone.

"oh? the big Justin is getting a fever just from a crowded room" Cameron teased.

"Yah! shut up" I said in a playful tone, "I'm going. Bye!" 

'Sky, do you think that guy knows its me?'

'Well, I can't detect its powers so I think he is either very weak or very strong' 

'hmmm ok'

I walked out to the balcony and the man's, was leaning against the balcony and his golden eyes pieced into my own. 

"What are you doing here in disguise?" the man asked 

"I could ask the same to you, it's not a masquerade ball yet your still wearing the same eye patch you wore last time" 

"Thats none of your business"

"Ahah, so same goes to you"  

I walked beside him leaning on the balcony. 

It was a peaceful silence as we watched the bright moon shine above us. It was pretty romantic. 

"Are you ok? Your cheeks are very red" He said, and then he pulled me closer and put his forehead against mine, "Do you have a fever?"

I looked up at his worried golden eyes and an arrow struck my heart. How can an angel like him fall upon me. 

I leaned towards his shoulder and sighed. He smelt like fresh leaves in the woods. It was very calming. 

"... Goldy.. If your not gonna give me your name, I will make up one. Goldy is a cute name" I said. 

"... My name is Cole Sharp" He said desperately. 

"Too late. Goldy it is" 

He pushed me off him and pulled me towards his face, to look at his deadly glare. 

"my name is Cole Sharp, call me Cole" He hissed at me staring deeply into my eyes. 

I just stared back at him blankly. 

"Goldy...Don't stare at me like that, this miss can't take it" and I stuck my tongue out and ran away. 

'Why do you like to annoy people? No one would like you if you do that?' 

'Well.. Sky,  if they don't tolerate my annoyance then they can leave me alone, Annoying people is just one of my personality traits I can't fix that'

'Isn't that the main reason of how it got you killed in actually... many of your past lives.' 

'Oh really?!'

'Well listen up darling, Number 1 Lesson from your beautiful master, Always live life the way you want to live it' 


"Now everyone is here in the hall, I shall have the honour to tell you all that all of you standing here in this hall will go to war next year to protect the five main kingdoms." The advisor of the Dragon kind started to shout, "The woman here will stay at the campgrounds away from the battle, but will try to med those who are in need from the battles. Is this understood" 

"YES!" Said everyone in the hall in unison. 

"Now please reply with 'I will' after these following statement" The Dragon king stood up and continued to say "You will fight this gruesome battle with the minor kingdoms with the people beside you with your upmost best" 

"I will!" 

"You will stay loyal to your kingdom and not betray any secret information to the demons" 

"I will!"

"You will look after each other at the battle field and help each other out at the best of your ability" 

"I will!" 

"Good, You are all ready now, I, the Dragon Kingdom's King make you all the knights for this war, Protect us with all your might, and show the minor kingdoms why we are the Five major ones." 

"YESSSSS!" Shouted all the hyper followers. 

I looked back at Goldy leaning against the wall staring at me. 

"YO! Justy!, do you want to come drink with us to celebrate to getting in?" Samuel shouted beside my ear as he put his arms around my shoulders again. 

I looked towards Goldy's direction and he was definitely giving Samuel death stares. 

"Pfft" I smile sweetly. 

"...Hey Justin... You sure your not a girl? You look like a girl in love?" Samuel asked "Is it me? Your not gay right?" He said sticking closer to my face. 

I was about to push him away, when strong arms wrapped them around me and Samuel stumbled back a few steps. 

"Leave him alone! He's mine" I looked up. It was Goldy standing behind me with both his arms wrapped tightly around me. 

"There a lot of holes in that sentence, Cole..." I said looking up at him. 

"Did I say anything wrong?" Goldy asked looking at me. 

"..." Samuel looked speechless.

"You really are gay!" Samuel screeched "Holy Shivers my timbers!" 

"..." Now I'm speechless. 

Goldy just stood there behind me staring at Samuel with his death glare. 

"Cole, can you let go of me..." Goldy silently pulled his arms back to his side and grabbed my hands and pulled me out the hall onto his carriage. The hall was silent and another gossip sparked the next day 'Justin is actually Gay' 

"So why did you drag me here?" I asked Cole, as even himself looked confused. 

He looked back up at me and hissed "You shouldn't go with them to drink, drinking is not good for the body" 

"Hmmm I wasn't going to go anyways." 

"I'll take you back home" 

"No worries I have a carriage waiting for me, I don't want more evidence in saying Justin is dating a man"

"I insist" 

"I don't"

"I insist"

"Goldy... trust me, This is not good for both of our reputations."

"what happened. YOu were calling me Cole before" 

"We are both men right now, I'll see you again when I'm female in public." 

"But! your female right now!"

"Yes, but other people see me as male, and stop speaking like a child wanting their mum to stay." 

"I really do insist"

"I'm leaving! See you later Goldy!" 

I opened the carriage door and walked back into my carriage safely home. 

I'm sorry I just had to... This picture though!! I thought it fitted Cole so well! 

 This picture though!! I thought it fitted Cole so well! 

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