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Breanna Pov

~ One month later ~

I was happy and enjoying Korea but I missed my family and mate. So , it's time to return home I'm on my way to gate 23 to go home .


When I got off the plane. I went to the trapdoor in the airport and snuck into my room and fell asleep without making a sound so no one would hear me. Until the morning when I heard a knock on my door and went to answer it when it was thrown up with so much force that I literally was thrown across the room and knocked out but I heard my mates voice that held fear and worry laced in it.

" Babe don't pass out on me. I just got you back ... don't .... pass....out o....n m...e" (Dylan)

That's the exact moment I passed out. I came to I was in my bed with an IV dripping blood and a heart monitor next to me which is weird because my heart doesn't beat since I'm a vampire. Dylan was sitting holding my hand and crying until he noticed that I was up and started to apologize repeatedly.

"I'm so sorry , soooooo sorry I'm sorry please forgive me "(Dylan)

I turned away and went back to sleep I was to tired to do anything all I said was

" I forgive you , I just need to sleep please leave me be" (me)

He got up and left me

"Bye I'll see you tomorrow then"(Dylan) with a voice laced with agony of leaving me

" No matter what you think right now I love you and don't you dare forget that"(me)

"I will never forget that and I want you to know that I love you more than anything forever and ever"(Dylan)

"Night"we both said at the same time.

I went to sleep peacefully and Dylan snuck in my room later on and cuddled with me to make me feel even more loved he promised to make me breakfast in the morning.

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