7. A Lot Of Weird Names

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Calvin's heart beat into his ribcage, the demon leaned back on his hind legs, getting ready for a pounce. Calvin sucked in a breath, and the wolf pounced...

Calvin crouched down and rolled towards the bed hoping in his heart that the bed was hollow from the below. He felt the yellow hanging bedsheet and realized that the bed was indeed hollow. He sat, breathing heavily in under the bed. He could see the wolf stand up through the translucent covers and walk towards him, with it's face crouched low. 

Calvin crawled toward the far end of the bed. His body was shaking, making any movement difficult. The demon's claws teared into the sheet making it smoke. Calvin quickly came out from under the bed. Looking at the window, an idea formed in his head, but the bed was too close to the window. 

He made a dash for it and stationed himself in front of the opposite window. The demon appeared from the other side, and climbed onto the bed. But this time, it had an idea on the height of the bed. 

It would end up jumping right on Calvin whether he crouched or not.


Calvin thought fast. If the wolf jumped the way it is now,  even if Calvin somehow managed to dodge, it would end up crashing into the wall but no worse for the wear. It would not go out of the window. Calvin didn't get any time to think. It was jumped on Calvin and Calvin, for whatever stupid reason, crouched down low and kept his hand above him, palms facing the sky.

As the wolf drew closer, his arms touched its underbelly  and he pushed it toward the window making it tumble out of the room from the window. But a huge gash formed on his upper arms but its front paws. Tears formed in his eyes. 

He was more of the sitting quietly in his room and studying sort and had never been hurt so much. 


Calvin sat on the stairs of the gym class. He had scraped his knee and the coach had just told him to sit in the corner. His feet were burning, but he couldn't walk to the bathroom without support. Braeden looked at him with concern from where he was with the other students for the third time and said something to the coach.

Coach rolled his eyes and made a 'whatever' motion with his hands. 

"What happened, Calvin? Come on, it's just a scrape." He said, coming to him.

"It's stinging." Calvin said, "You go, I don't need you to baby me." 

"Rubbish!" he said, "You scraped it on the sand. It would sting if a tiny particle went into the wound. Let's go wash it." 

Much to Calvin's protests, he picked him up bridal style with a laugh and carried him to the wash area. 


Calvin let out a strangled shout. His parents burst into the room. So much for helping him.

His mother quickly strung an arrow and killed the wolf, who was trying very hard to not fall off from the curved roof of the room he had fallen on. 

The skin around his arm had gone numb and it was dripping with blood. The wound itself was smoking green and he couldn't see much of the actual wound below the smoke. And Calvin, in a way, for grateful for it. He didn't want to see the wound.

The next hour went in a blur. Turns out, his dad was  really good doctor. He healed up half of his wound with his wand and put the rest in a gauze. The smoking had stopped.

"We'll go shopping tomorrow, for your school supplies and have it healed completely with a proper doctor." His dad said.

"I had an intuition that something bad would happen. I wish I had intuition as good as the queen." His mom said.

"Really? Why?" Calvin asked. 

"She can predict what's going to happen, accurately, not just an intuition. Like, she could tell you're going to fall down the stairs an hour before you actually do. She used to say her angel actually talks to her. But I think she was just bluffing." Calvin smiled. Talking was his mother's way of distracting him.

"We could say she is the most powerful know angel." His dad said. When they were talking, the woman Calvin had seen earlier came in. 

"Hi, Calvin." She said. She had extremely curly brown hairs, soft Emerald eyes and a smile that could warm Voldemort.  She had a really soft voice. It sent tingles down his spine.

"Hi Calvin, this is Heather Knight. I and Heather used to be good friends back in Angbronds." His mom said.

"Angbronds?" Calvin asked.

"The Woodland of Angels. Angels who don't want to mix with other species, and live traditionally, live in Angbronds." His dad explained.

"So, like there are more cities like this?" Calvin asked.

"Yes, this is the capital, where all species lives. Then there is Angbronds- exclusive for angels and then there is Devfronds, woodland of demons."

Heather shuddered, "Mathew had an assignment there once. We went there for a day, and I still have nightmares about it."

"If you didn't know how to fight, you shouldn't have accompanied him." His mom said.

"Well, we were newly married. I was love sick those days. I couldn't bear to leave him alone." Heather said in a voice that indicated they had that conversation, any times before. 

"See Sally? You don't accompany me on any of my assignments." Dad said with a pout.

"Oh please," his mom said, putting up her hand, "if I had come with you, there would be no demons left for you to kill." 

"Burn." Heather said.

"Yeah, they would all be scared away by the biggest demon of them all." His dad replied with a smirk.

"Double burn." Heather said again.

"I gotta agree with mom though. I saw you with that bow. Amazing." Calvin said, his mind going back to the conversation he had heard earlier. 

"So, I heard you talk earlier..." calvin started, "What's up with lord Finney business? I feel like I am in the middle of a wattpad book."

Their parents exchanged worried glances and dad asked, "How could you hear us from so far?"

"Uh...isn't that how normal people...I mean normal in this weird world people hear?  Ugh... this sentence makes no sense."

"No, our hearing is as good as an average human." Sally said, a little confused. 

"Then..." Calvin started and was cut of by his dad squealing. 

"Oh my God, Calvin showed his first fairy magic! Oh. My. God. See, Sally? I told you he'd be a fairy!" He stood up and excitedly did a weird dance around the room.

"So, David has matured about as much as Mathew in fifteen years, hasn't he?" Heather sighed, though it was obvious she was enjoying the company. 

"Oh hello! I am a mature guy, okay?" Mathew said, from the doorway.

"If you're mature now, then you were a toddler back in school. I remember once you...." Heather started.

"Oook ok. No need to tell Calvin any of your stories. Made up ones too, may I add." His dad said, and turned to Calvin, "Calvin, how about you go to your room and settle down. We have already put your suitcase in your room."

"Yes, we adults are catching up on stuff, and I'm afraid we'll bore you." His mom added.

Calvin nodded. He knew exactly what they were going to talk about, and he really thought that as a half adult, he deserved to be present in these conversations. 

But he knew, that his parents wouldn't talk if he was listening, so he could just eavesdrop.

No, he was not at all guilty.

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