27| Twenty Seven

115 16 2

~And, after all, he couldn't see the

way her lit up whenever she saw him~

* * *

Tushar stood before the windows, fingers resting against the barriers of golden metal, eyes, a meaningless hollow held within, that spread into eternity, a deeper shade of dusk caged behind, as ebony as the hell persisting beneath, unblinking, stared into the grey clouds, the falling leaves, a two of wilted flowers, the petals of which, fell dancing along with the steps of winds, the ruby hue of which, hung around, inscribed into his mind, the tint that deliberately drew that certain shape of something in possession of someone. . . someone he had known.

A woman with raven waves—


The thundering of the clouds left him to escape the traitorous images of his mind, the images he pledged to think no more about, as the winds knocked against his open windows, the pale curtains caressing past his frame, as coldness felt to seep into his body, under his white cotton kurta, his mind, with the flickers of those chilling wind, awoke into yet another fit of thoughts, as he watched the red blooms jump with elation with the first whiff of moisture that fell on them, the tendrils of lush green, swaying with the wafts of gusts, the portrayals of those familiar raven curls flashed before his eyes, as he lowered his gaze, momentarily forgetting the nature before him, as his heart stroked patterns into his soul, tingles of which bothered him.

Tushar couldn't seem to divert his thoughts away from that woman, when the first fall of the anticipated rain landed on his little finger, tugging at his wit before his head raised to meet the upset clouds, taking in the sprinkling of water that settled on the earth below. Immediately, he thought back to the time when Nandini left home, remembering she had taken no umbrella with her, he stepped back, turning towards the shelves on the corner.

He took an umbrella from the top and walked towards the entrance, his mind circling with hopes that Nandini wouldn't get too soaked up with the rain. Tulika and his brother in law were supposed to visit one of her friends who lived nearby. He hoped they weren't too caught up with the rain, or she was alright. As his fingers clasped around the door handle, pulling it open, his eyes suddenly came landing on the female before him, whose back was turned towards him.

His steps halted, nearly tripping as he felt relief snuck into him, as he stared. Her bangles clad hands, one holding the copper plate of puja, the other one helping her tame those locks, dusting the sprinkles of water away, few drizzles creating a pattern in her white saree.

Tushar looked away, clearing his throat, while he took a step nearer to her, reaching his hands out, ❝here, let me help you,❞ he mumbled, taking the seemingly heavy plate from her, as she, slowly, turned to him, the sight of her leaving Tushar shocked.

Red. . . The red smeared her cheeks, the dust of which, caressed her neck, as her eyes remained downcast as if refusing to look at him. His eyes narrowed, blinking twice as he slightly tilted his head to take another look at her, while hers never left the floor below.

Sighing when she did not bother to raise her eyes, or, he did not try to look into her eyes, anymore, as he stepped inside, glancing sideways at the small strides that brought her inside.

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