1. Leaving for Kingsley

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"Ma I'm not gonna wear that sweater"
"But sweetheart it's so cute! Your nana made it for you!" Mama protests

"Ma I love you and I love Nana but this is something no sane person will ever wear-" a baby pink sweater with pink cotton on the sleeves and neckline and the words 'Nana's Bae' written on the front,"-anywhere in public". I mean it'd look adorable on a toddler if not on me. Though I instantly regret saying that when I see Mama's smile disappear. Shoot, now I feel bad.
"I'm sorry it's just-" I take a moment to gather some air in my lungs "I'm very worried about you two. It's freaking me out that you and Nana will be livin here alone. I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." I sigh suddenly very tired. I look away from her, god im the worst daughter ever.

She notices that and steps forward, placing her hands on my shoulders
"Come here, you need a Mama bear hug." She tightly wraps her arms around me. Pushing back tears I lean into her wishing that this moment could last forever.

She places her chin on top of my head.
"You do realize that I'm the parent and that it's me that should be worrying about you right?" She drops a kiss on my head "Plus Livi will be here too. She won't be of much help but atleast we're not alone." I chuckle and she pulls back, holding me infront of her, obviously satisfied that she made me laugh.

Ma looks around and heaves a sigh.
"Nana's still sleeping isn't she?" Ofcourse she is. My nana is the modernized version of sleeping beauty, though there is no need of a curse to put her to a deep sleep.
"You know her, not even a meteorite crash can disrupt her beauty sleep." I remind her. Mama bursts out laughing

"Shush! She'll throw her slipper at you if she learns that you said that!" Ah, Nana's slipper is the deadliest weapon to ever exist.
"Maybe I want her to do that." I tell my self and then realize i said it out loud. Man, I just popped our happy bubble.

"Nish...baby it's okay. We'll be okay. You can't always be here to take care of us. You deserve better..." She looks away, probably to hide her tears. I give her kiss on the cheek. I need to get out of here before i break down.

"I'm gonna go change. Can you drive me to Kingsley?" I say, desperately not wanting her to cry or else I'd be a mess too.
Mama looks at me apologetically. "I can't. I need to stay and make sure Nana takes her pills. I'm sure Livi will drive you though." Great. Now this is gonna be a long ride.
"Right, Livi. I'll ask her. If she won't drive me then I'll take a cab I guess."
I squeeze her hand once and run upstairs to my room.

Then i quickly get dressed. I'm the not best dresser (according to Livi) but I'd say I look pretty decent. I tie the upper half of my hair into a ponytail and comb my bangs down. My brown hair isn't the type to behave. So I spray on alot of hairspray to keep it from frizzing up. I don't do makeup but my sister Livya had once shown me how to use mascara and I guess it wouldn't hurt to have extra long lashes on my first day.

Once I'm done I rush over to Livi's room.
"Nish?" She says when she looks up after I burst open her door.
"Hey" I manage between the deep breaths I'm taking after running so much. "What you doing?"
"A book huh"
"Yeah I'm reading a book. Why do you ask?"
"Alright I'll cut the shit. I need you to drive me to Kingsley. I totally lost track of time and I won't make it before the gates close up if I wait for an uber."
"Kingsley?" She says looking confused.
"Uh yeah, the college I got accepted into?" Still clueless. "Liv you really need to pay attention to whats been said during dinner." I let out a long breath.

Livi rolls her eyes. "Too bad then. I'm busy right now."
"I'll do anything!"
This perks up her interest.
"Yeah just, go easy on me"
"Well....if you promise to get me a present everytime you come to visit us, then maybe I'll consider it and-" I cut her off "Done. I'll get you one. Please come on now hurry."

He's My Bully | A TAEHYUNG BULLY ROMANCE FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now