2. Who's my Roomate?

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"It's Duarte and not dart." i say for the fourth time. Istg this woman is driving me crazy. Who even put her on the reception desk?

"I'm sorry I'll make the changes right away!" Her British accent making her sound even more annoying. Ugh all I want is to find my freaking dorm and drop on the bed, today has been way too tiring.

I recieve my dorm keys and start looking my dorm. Room 111. It's written on my keychain that came with the keys.

I find a sign that indicates the directions to the boys' dormitories and the girls'. I follow the sign and stumble upon a narrow and long hallway. I keep walking until the path slips into three ways. the sign on the left path read 100-130. Eventually I find my dorm.

I can hear muffled shouts from the other side of the door. Weird. I knew I'd have a roomate but from what I can hear, there is definitely more than one person in there. I use my keys to open the door after double checking if i got the wrong room. I open the door slightly, trying to avoid any creaks. i tiptoe into the dorm, god please, I do not want to get dragged into whatever is going.

i don't take the time to look around the living room, i just start looking for my bedroom right away. I see three doors, each tinted with a different colour. The yelling comes from the pink tinted door. So I assume the gray one will lead to my room. Once I open the door I am greeted with a messy and definitely used bedroom. This cannot be my room. There is a open suitcase on the floor. Clothes are sprawled on the bed and floor. The bed is undone and I'm pretty sure I smell men's cologne in here.

i don't understand this- not that I have any energy left to even try to do that.
The pink door bursts open. I stumble backwards and drop on my butt. NOT AGAINN. A girl with hair like Livi's comes out. She slams the door close and looks in my direction. Her eyes are light brown and I realise she has a streak of pink highlights in her hair.

"Who the hell are you?" She yells." I swear to god if Madison sent you here for another prank, I will strangle her to death. I dont even care if her ass of a father gets me kicked out." God her face is red as a freaking tomato.

"Um i- I don't even know a Madison." im scared shitless because her eyes are literally shooting flames at me.
"I- I'm Natasha. I was told this is my dorm but I think there might have been a mistake since-"
"There's no mistake. Why would you say that?" she cuts me off

"Because there are only supposed to be two residents in a dorm here?" I say in a really confused tone, i think.
Her anger is fading away and her face doesn't look the one of a devil's spawn anymore.
"Right. Ofcourse they didn't tell you. Why would they when they can just leave me to it?"
"T-tell me what?" I hate how scared i sound. Sighing, I get up and push the hair off my face. The girl picks up my suitcase and sets it right.

"My name's Jordan. My friends call me Jordy. I'll explain everything to you but first-" Her eyes draw over my entire body "-you should freshen up. Geez you look like you rolled over a pile of mud like a pig would. She claps a hand over her mouth. "No offense."

"Uhh none taken?" I look around the room. My cheeks heat up when I spot a few undies. Yep definitely not my room.
"Where do I get changed? The rooms are vey much occupied from what I can see." I say, flustered.

"The one next to this room. She points towards the door in middle of the room where the yelling came from and the room we're currently in. "That's your room."
I want to ask her why are there three rooms in this dorm but im too exhausted to pay attention to her explaining anything.

"Alright, thank you." i give her my brightest smile. Man I've been really rude to everyone today. Not a few hours in and I'm already half way to becoming a serial killer.
"My pleasure. Don't hesitate to come to me if you have any questions." She smiles back " I'm supposed to show you around the campus but you look too tired to even walk up to your bed so I'm guessing you'd wanna pass on that." Jordan cocks her head to one side.
"Yeah I kinda had a long day so I'm not really equipped with enough energy to walk around this fancy-ass campus." i give her a lazy shrug and she grins. My door is the light purple tinted one which I assumed would've been the bathroom earlier.
I get into my room and once my fingers find the light switch, i flick it on. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the light and once they do, my jaw hits the floor.

"THIS IS MY ROOM?" I half yell half shriek. Its so freaking fancy??? I try to remember what Jordans room was like and then realise it wasn't even half as good as my room. Her wall was painted in gray whereas mine is the lightest shade of blue.

The bed is huge enough to fit three people and there are so many pillows on it

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The bed is huge enough to fit three people and there are so many pillows on it. Wait. No. NO WAY. NO F-ING WAY- THERES EVEN A CHANDELIER????? Before i freak out and break into a run, i find the bathroom, which is relatively normal compared to the bedroom, and wash my face. SHOOT. I WAS WEARING MASCARA. Ugh I should've known that nothing good comes from Livi's advice. Okay, I need to calm down. Relax Nish, it's all okay. I try taking deep breaths, Mama told me to do that whenever I'm panicking. I use the elegant smelling soap to wash off the makeup. Once I feel like I won't be exploding from the inside, I dry off my face.

I walk back into my room and unpack my luggage. I throw my used clothes on the floor making a mental check to take care of it later, and wear my pajamas. Then i slip into my bed. This bed is really soft and comfortable. I set a few alarms on my phone and then I let myself fall asleep.

He's My Bully | A TAEHYUNG BULLY ROMANCE FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now