8. New day.

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Last night turned out to be alot more eventful than i expected it to be. But, i won't let it be the reason I dread the first day at the college I've wanted to study at ever since I was a kid.

Even though today is my first day, i decide to wear something very simple. I don't feel very extravagant for some pretty obvious reasons.
I'm wearing a blue sweatshirt and a pair of tight fit jeans.
My hair is back in a half ponytail because it's cute and im too tired to think anything else.

I leave my room and wonder if I should check with Jordan if she would walk to class with me. Actually no she's my senior, she has different classes.

Sighing i turn to leave when-
"TASH" Jordan shouts
I look back at Jordan who's laughing her ass off after jumpscaring me like that.
"Not funny, Jordan."
"Sure isn't." She says, smiling.
I roll my eyes. We both grab some fruits and leave for class together.

"So are you gonna walk me to my first class?" i ask once we reach the point from where we're supposed to go seperate ways
"What are you, a toddler?" She says. "Besides, even if I were to feel generous enough to do that, i can't. I'll be late by the time i walk back." she smiles sadly.
"It's fine. I think I can manage then. Bye."
"Byee." she responds.
I squeeze her hand and walk in the opposite direction. Time to face hell.


Things weren't remotely as bad as I had expected them to be. No one- literally no one noticed me and nothing bad happened. It looks like he was just bluffing. Trying to get in my head and scare me off. It seems he did that part right. But I'd be damned if i let him look down on me.

"Hey" someone with a familiar voice whispers into my ear.
I spin around and I'm inches away from that annoying face.
"You klutz" i narrow my eyes at Tobias. He smiles at that.
"Me? Last i remember, you're the one who fell on her face and messed it all up." He twirls his finger in a circle infront of my face and taps my nose, gently. I swat his hand away and scrunch my nose in response.
"That's because you full-on body slammed me to the floor moron."
Another smile. I turn towards the front.
"Alright alright, I'm sorry. It was all my fault. Now you can stop pretending like you don't know my name." He says with a smile in his voice. I stiffen up. H-how- Wait you know what? No. I'm not letting him know that he's right.

I stay quiet not responding to his presumption. The professor walks in. Everyone greets everyone. We're all first years so we're asked to introduce ourselves. Everyone except Tobias, i notice. I look back to him every now and then but he's ALWAYS sleeping. Like ALWAYS. And it's getting annoying. But for some reason, i feel protective towards him. He's going to get in trouble if the professor knew he's slacking off in his class.

I moved a little to the side to block him from the view of the professor every time he moves. And boy does he do just that. Professor Winston has a habit of walking around alot while talking. This is all so annoying. Everything about today is/ was annoying.
I've had enough.
I flick Tobias on his face.
"Owch-- What the hell?!!?" He jerks up. He's looking around frantically and his eyes settle down on me. He clears his throat.
"Did you see who flicked my pretty face?" He asks.
It takes every ounce of strength in me to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"Pay attention to the class loser." I turn back. He can do what he wants. I have to study for my own good. I'm opening my textbook again when i feel someones breath go down my back. I swing my head around to meet eyes with Tobias, again.
"You know, i tried doing just that. But the memory of you in that hot party get up keeps distracting me."

My cheeks flush. i know this because his eyes drop to my cheeks and he's now smirking. Fucking bastard. His eyes drop even lower. On my lips. My breath hitches. I blink a thousand times and turn away. He's chucking under his breath. What the hell am I doing?

As soon as class ends I'm rushing to get away from Tobias. I bolt out the door and slam into a hard figure. Slam into him. Him being Taehyung. And right now, i just want to jump off a cliff.

He's My Bully | A TAEHYUNG BULLY ROMANCE FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now