3. Tae WINKED at ME?

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People like to wake up to- sounds of birds chirping, sunlight gently grazing your skin, making you aware that it's time to wake up. But that isn't how I wake today. What i hear early in morning is sound of glass shattering on the floor, yelling and screams of pain.

I jerk awake and tumble out of my bed. Gosh what time is it? i check my phone. It's literally 7 am?? Why are they even awake??? Classes don't start till tomorrow. Ugh, I somehow drag myself to the bathroom. I check my phone while brushing my teeth. Ma has called a few times. I'll call her back later. Then I leave my room not bothering to change.

I find Jordan and a blonde headed girl in the living room yelling at each other. Something tells me that I'm gonna have to get used to this. It's fine i guess. It's like watching a reality show. But then Jordan throws a sandwich at the blonde girl and she hits it away using a pillow. Ahah and i just happen to be standing in the direction that the sandwich is flying in. Plop! Head shot! Pfftt, that's it. I need to know who that blonde bitch is. I walk up to them. I'm a few steps away from them and they don't even realise I'm there haha. Time to change that. I bring my fist down, hard ,on the coffee table. It hurts a bit but the loud thud makes them jump a few paces back.

"CAN YOU BOTH PLEASE TONE IT DOWN?" I shout. Wait, I'm yelling at strangers now? What's happening to me?
"I don't know and don't care what the fuck you guys do in your free time but please, for god's sake, shut the hell up. I mean shit, It's what? like 7am in the morning? I don't know why we have three people in this dorm and yet I'm trying to turn a blind eye towards that. The least you can do is be quiet about it." I'm so out of breath, by the time I'm done.

"Who the hell are you?" says blonde bitch, "What are you doing in our dorm?" she spits it out like it's literal venom. I just asked her that -God she's gorgeous though. Her hair is like actual sunshine (HAHA THE IRONY) and her curves are to die f- Wait why am I thinking about her like this? I shake my head and reply, "I'm Natasha Duarte." i cock my head. "I live here, now who are you?"

"Tash, you're up!" it's Jordan who replies. Wait, did she just call me Tash? "We're sorry, we didn't mean to wake you!" She glares at blonde bitch who looks really confused. Jordan continues "Especially since you're gonna be our friend and roommate for the rest of the year!" She says the last word weirdly. Blonde bitch, (you know what? let's just call her bb for now) looks at me and her eyes widen.

"Uhhmm, i need to go help prepare the foyer for the dance." She smiles nervously and looks at Jordan. "Jay jay will be here to talk ahah" *nervous laugh* "Okay? so I'm gonna jet-"

"Ohh no you don't! I will not explain it to her!" Jordan's reaching for bb but she's already out the door. "Madam Whills asked us both to do it!!!"

"Serves you right, loser!" BB calls out from outside and laughs. Okay, what in the world is going on here? Jordan's fists are clenching into such tight balls that I can literally see the colour of her veins. God, I worry for my life.

"I'll be right back, please go and change, we'll talk in the cafeteria."
At my confused expression she continues, "Breakfast? Do you not have those from wherever you come from?"

I scoff "I'm a half French and half Indian human being, stop talking to me like I'm a horny alien or something."
She snorts which, for some reason, reminds me that she had called me a pig earlier. Great, now I'm even more angrier.
"You have runny mouth, it's better to keep it shut if you want to survive here." she says and I roll my eyes.
"I'm a nice person in general, but I don't take insults lightly. You should keep that in mind." i say and fake a smile. She grins back genuinely.
Huh? She actually looks like a nice person now.
"I think I'm beginning to like you, Indian." she leaves to her room. Did she just- Actually nvm. I go to my room since apparently I have to look presentable to have breakfast.

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