6. He didn't mean all of that.....right?

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"It's fine, I'm sure he'll forget about it soon."
"Yeah. I'm just overthinking it, aren't I? It's not like he'd spend all his free time tormenting me like they do in the movies." I say. Jordan looks uneasy but nods in agreement.

Ofcourse not. He has better things to do than making me regret spilling that drink on him. Yeah I'm sure he does, I just wish i had a distraction from all this worrying.

"I can't believe we have to start studying from tomorrow onwards" Jordan groans.

"Yeah, i wish we had just a few more days of vacation. All of this would've been old news by then." I sigh.

Jordan frowns. "Don't look so bummed. It makes you look ugly."
See? Jordan can be nice.

"Was that supposed to cheer me up?" I say, biting back a smile. I failed. Jordan's face reddens. Wait- is she embarassed for acting nice?

"O-Ofcourse not. I was just...being brutally honest! I don't want to be seen hanging around with an ugly duckling." she tells me. That's uh....very convincing.

"Sure." I let go of this one. I still need her on my side. A sound of a door slamming alerts us both.

"God helps us, Madison's back." says Jordan.
"I don't even feel bad about calling her blonde bitch behind her back anymore." I sigh. I feel like a completely different person.

"Anyways" Jordan says, "i should head back. Unless you want me to sleep here in your room so that you have company-"

Ah shit, how do I say no without sounding like a jerk?
"Actually I think you-"
"Relax I'm just messing with you." Jordan pinches my cheek. What the-
"You're too adorable." She says and leaves my room. I'm not even sure why I feel so offended.

I freshen up and change into my pajamas. After braiding my hair loosely, i jump into bed. Ahh- I will never ever get off this unimaginably blissful cloud. My phone suddenly starts ringing. God, noo I don't want to answer anyone's calls right now. Who even would call me this late at night? Wait a minute. CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT MOM. Reluctantly, i slip off my bed and look for my phone that's still ringing. Where did I keep it?

The ringing stops which makes it so much harder to look for it. I sigh and try to remember where I last kept it. I had it when me and Jordan were talking. I had it when she left. I kept it on the sink when I was brushing. Thats right! The sink! I look for my phone where I last remember seeing it.

Its- it's not there. Where did I keep it? I hear another ringing sound all of a sudden. It's coming from my pile of dirty clothes. That's right! it was in my pants' pocket- and i threw it into that pile. I search for my phone and find it in my pants' backpocket. Now that's...very hygienic.

I look at the phone's screen expecting a call from my mom. Thats- not her number. It's some unknown number. Huh. I don't think I should pick up. It could very easily be some dangerous stalker or it could just be Jordan. That woman just knows everything about everyone. What if it's Livi? She has my number, i don't. Ma could've asked her to try calling me since I wasn't picking up her calls. So I pick up the call before it ends.

"Hellooo. Who's this?"
Utter silence.
Nope. Not a peep.
"Jordan is this some kind of a prank? It's not funny or scary or anything for that matter. How'd you get my-"
"So how is my lovely stripper?"
I gasp loudly. How- did-
"Missed me?" Tae says.
"How'd you get my n-"
"I have my ways." he says before I could finish. "So this really is your number then?"
Ofcourse it is, what's wrong with him!
"I-uh-y-yes it-uh is" I can't even breath properly, let alone talk.
"You see, I've been so wrapped up in calling you a stripper, that i actually forgot to ask you what your name was." He says, his voice alone making me melt. "i could always look into your files, but I don't think you want me to know that much about your family now do you?"
No! Ofcourse not! I- wait. Did he just threaten my family? Like promising to ruin my life, to destroy all happiness i find, to make me miserable for as long as I live, wasnt enough? Now that I think about it, why the fuck am I so scared of him? It's not like he'd actually physically hurt me right? No, i don't think that's even possible.
"My name is Natasha. Call me Tasha please."
He bursts into laughter.
"Did you just- no-" he keeps laughing. What the hell?
"What's so funny? Is your sense of humour that broken?" I ask.
He stops abruptly. Silence greets me once again.
"The fuck did you say?" He asks, his voice a bit more stiff and loud.
"It seems you have a problem hearing, similar to how I have one with seeing, right?" i say, alot more confident now. He scoffs.

"Hey, Taehyung. I seem to have another problem. No matter how hard I try to, I just don't seem to understand why you're so mad. I don't understand why those kids looked at me like they pity me. I don't understand why you made such a big deal out of it and i certainly dont understand how you got my number." I pause. He tries to say something but I'm not done yet.

"But i do understand and know that you really don't like me. I also know that you're a stubborn asshole who just doesn't understand when to stop. But i don't think that YOU understand that I'm just as stubborn. I will not speak a word or move a finger against you if you insult me. No, i don't want to make any trouble. But you my friend? Just threatened my family. Now I realise that you must've not had much love growing up which is the only reason I can think of why you turned out this way- but that doesn't mean you get a free pass to treat people like this."

"You-" he starts
"NO." i cut him off. Again. Man this is fun. I stop for a second and try to gather some breath in my lungs.

"I should've known what kind of a person you are, the moment you and your group of so called 'friends' hurt those innocent people in the cafeteria that day. But i was too nice to even imagine that someone could do that on purpose."

"What the hell do you think you're doing rn?"
Tae says.

"I'm warning you, you jackass. I don't care what the hell you and your losers do in your free time. But if you care about your life even just a little bit?" i say quoting him from earlier. " Then stay the fuck away from me."

I hang up. That's right. I hung up on him. Like it was nothing. Because it really was- God my head hurts. Am i really gonna have to do this everyday? Let's just hope he'll stop this nonsense after this. Sighing, i call mom to let her know that I'm okay and to apologise for not calling her earlier. And after that? i happily return back to my blissful cloud.

He's My Bully | A TAEHYUNG BULLY ROMANCE FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now