10. Making Plans

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Phew. That was so close. Thank God Tae gets distracted pretty quickly.
Ms. Arrogant Pants looked like she needed help. Though I'm not sure why i helped her. She even pretends like she doesn't remember my name. I really am just too nice for this world.

"Let's go for a drive today." i suggest.
"No, I'm not in the mood." Fee responds. She just finished painting her footnails and is blowing on them.

"Aw, why not? I'll drive, you can sit next to me if you want." I smile at her.
"What i want is for you to crawl back into whichever dumpster your parents picked you up from." She smiles back.
I scoff. She's so in love with me.

"Would you two stop bickering like an old married couple?" Tae says. "It's really just gross."

Felusia rolls her eyes and rests her chin on her hand.
"What if we go to a club?"

"Sounds good to me." i say.
Everyone's looking at Tae to seek some sort of approval. He's staring at a point and doesn't respond. Wait, is he zoning out?

"I need some advice" He suddenly says. We're all stunned into silence.

Taehyung never asks us for anything. It's like it hurts his pride to get things for free or something. We all know that he has a part time job. Not sure where. Rumour has it he works for some fancy ass department store.

"W-what is it about?" I recover first from the shock.

He sighs deeply and snatches the beer can from Aidens hand, chucking it all in one go.

"Tae? Dude, what's wrong?" I'm suddenly getting worried. He visited his father not too long ago. The old man is known for being an asshole.

"There's this person." he hesitates in saying the rest. "Th-they have been annoying me out too many times. And i want to punish them." He says. "I don't know how to though."

This is weird. Taehyung is known for being a jerk all around campus. No one messes with him because the ones that have, were bullied into shifting colleges. He has immense power over every student here. Not only because his father is one of richest businessmen of our country, but also because this guy can be scary as fuck.

Besides from being Asian, he's also so fucking attractive. Like even me, even i blushed when I first saw him and I'm straight.

"That's unusual, coming from you." Fee says.

"You can just make them regret annoying you like you always do." this comes from Marcus.

"Is it because you can't beat them up?" 
I suddenly blurt out. A thought is forming in my head. Although i wish with all my heart that it's not true.

He seems to think it over for a moment. "Yes. It's something like that. I've never had to mess with a girl before."

And then my heart stops. I was right. The clumsy, pretending to have forgotten my name girl, Natasha Duarte, is the person he wants to torment?

I mean, i get that she's got a loose tongue and that she can be kinda mean. But she seemed like such a nice person, and i kinda wished i could have asked her out someday.
Does the poor thing know what's coming her way?

"Why would you do that to a girl?" Maddie speaks up. "Did she hit on you or something? Oh lord is she stalking you?! No wait, no one's stupid enough to do that." She eyes Fee directly.

"Maybe you should shut your trap before a d*ck finds its way in."  She eyes her back.

"What's up with the vibe change?" i frown. "No one likes kitty fights."

"Speak for yourself." Marcus smirks. "I find those pretty sexy. Go on, don't mind us."

"That's a weird kink dude." Aiden punches Marcus in the arm.

"Are we still talking about my damned problem?" Tae says, raising his voice a little.

This Tasha girl really must have messed up BAD if he's so mad at her.
And i know i haven't known her for long, but i still feel somewhat protective towards her. I haven't seen Taehyung get this riled up in a long time.

"Let's go to that club now" I smile, trying to change the topic. I pick up a beer can from the floor and toss it into the bin.

Maddie looks at me. "But what about Ta-"

"Come on before it's too late!" i fumble. "I mean- if we're late then we'll have to return sooner right?" i smile awkwardly.

"I guess so." Maddie mumbles loud enough for us to hear.

"Drinks on me." Tae tells us before leaving first.

Aiden shoves me lightly to get my attention. "Dude, is something wrong? You're sweating so much. If you're not feeling good we can just go to the club tomorrow or something."

Aiden is one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. He cares about all of us so much that we literally call him the dad of the group.

"Nah I'm fine. Not as fine as that junior Alexia though." I joke trying to make him believe that I'm okay.

Aiden chuckles lightly under his breath. "She is pretty hot i guess." He replies. "Although i think Marcus already screwed that chick. She sounded alot like that girl Marcus was with in his car."

I smile. "You can't really tell if it's her when all we could hear was full on moans. That guy really knows his stuff."

"Tell me about it." Aiden says suppresing a smile.

"Guys! Aren't you coming?" I hear Maddie call out.

"Just a minute!" Aiden shouts back.

"C'mon, let's go and dance with the hot ladies from the club." I tell him.

We both walk our way to the driving lot. I see figure far away and assume it's just Fee. By the time i realise it's her, it's too late.

He's already seen her. And i know for a fact that the flames in his eyes are not there because of attraction.

He's My Bully | A TAEHYUNG BULLY ROMANCE FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now