11. I'd like to apologise

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I don't know what to wear. I want to look as weak as possible so he won't slap me in the face.

"Tasha, i don't think this is a good idea...." I hear Jordan say faintly.

But i don't have time to process her words. I cannot breathe or live in peace until I've apologised.
I had no right to play the victim when i did something like that to him. I know it's not really a big deal but to me it is.

I don't deserve any of the happiness I've gotten so far. My life should've ended in that orphanage. I never should've gotten into the best family i could have hoped for.

Because I have the worst luck. My birth parents aren't dead. They just left me there for some reason. Probably because they just didn't want me.

My adoptive mother is the sweetest person ever. She loved me with all her heart ever since she adopted me. I tell myself that she only did that because she had been desperate for kids before me.

After Livi was born, everything felt balanced. I wasn't paid attention to much, not when someone as beautiful as Livi was around me. I was the blind spot of the family.

I used to blame myself for my appa's death. I used to blame my luck.
But after i was ignored for most of my life, i felt better. Like I've paid off for my sins.

It was because of my luck that i didn't care to make friends when i was young. And by the time i started to crave companionship, it was too late.

I didn't fit in anymore.

To everyone i was just this mysterious but cheerful girl who's always smiling and is always kind to everyone. I never showed how lonely i was. Because i liked that emptiness.

And in time, i got too used to it. Couldn't escape it even if i tried.

Which is why I decided to be happy once i started going to Kingsley.
I swore to start over and to live fully.
And if there's one thing i know for sure about myself, it is the fact that I NEVER break a promise.

And so, I've decided to do whatever it takes to push this burden off my heart. I will apologise no matter what the consequences are.

I spot him and his friends in the parking lot. I spot Tobias. He's coming my way with two other people.
Taehyung is infront of his fancy car, trying not to lose it by waiting for his friends. He's terrifying. How anyone can be friends with him is beyond my understanding.

But I won't let fear stop me. I need to apologise. And so, I walk up to him. It doesn't take him long to become aware of my presence.

His shoots me a glare, warning me to not come any closer. I don't have it in me to go any further. I'm standing about 4 feet away from him and it still feels too close. I take a step back. Then clear my throat. I look at my feet and then think better of it by looking straight at him.

Bad decision. He's so beautifully scary that it sends shivers down my back.
"What?" His voice is so smooth, smooth like velvet. But his tone, his tone is sharp and venomous.

"I'm sorry!" I blurt out. I squeeze my eyes shut and brace for what's going to come next.

That was not enough to prepare me for what he did.

He laughed. Like, actually laughed. He laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. He starts coughing, somehow doing that gracefully too.

I hear footsteps from behind me. Tobias. I don't turn around because I just know it's him heaving out deep breaths.

"This is a joke, right?" Taehyung asks, wiping away a nonexistent tear.

My jaw clenches. Is it really that hard to accept an apology? It takes everything in me to not ask him that question outright.

Instead my stupid mouth says something worse.

"The only joke here is you. Can't you just let this incident go?"

His smile drops. I hear Tobias take in a sharp breath from behind. Taehyung clenches his fists.

This is not how you apologise! I yell at myself.

Taehyung takes step towards me. I flinch. Another step then another.  He's inches away from me.

"Tae." Tobias cautions.

He doesn't seem to have heard it. His tips my chin upwards using his finger, forcing to me to look at him. Look into his eyes.

"I don't like it when people attempt at insulting me." He whispers, his words soft. Too soft. "Why are you so hellbent on annoying me?"

I gulp. He's too close for me to say or do anything. I try to say something, but then his eyes drop down to my lips. I can't find it in me to do it again.

He inches his face closer. And then he moves his lips to my cheek. They graze my cheek. I tense up. It only results in another touch of his lips. I feel his lips curl into a smile.

He's amused by this.

His lips trail to my ear. He tucks away a strand of my hair.
"Pretty things are best when kept quiet." He whispers. "And you have been anything but that."

His whispers are so velvety and cold that I shiver again. He chuckles at my reaction. His lips graze my earlobe. I don't move. They travel their way back to my face. They linger infront my lips. I close my eyes. I can't watch this happen.

And then the next I hear is the slamming door of a car. My eyes fly open to nothing. Taehyung left. I look behind me to find Tobias sighing in relief.

But the look doesn't last long on his face. The other friends of Taehyung approach his car as he rolls down the window. His eyes lock with mine.

"Bring her." He commands.

And they do just that. I'm manhandled into his car. Front seat. Next to him. He smirks at me. I'm actually scared.

He drives us to a club. I don't talk or move the whole time.
Be still and quiet, like a doll. I tell myself.

He doesn't look over at me even once. But the smile on his face never wavers. What is he going to do with me?
I keep my mouth shut, hoping for this night to end as soon as possible.

"Can you loosen y-your grip?" I whisper. His veiny hands have grabbed my forearm and he's dragging me into club. It hurts.

"Sure Princess."

His grip tightens. I almost yelp out in pain.

The club is huge. The dance floor is made up of glowing tiles and a disco ball shines above us. Loud music fills my ears and so do the sounds of glasses clinking.

"Entertain me." He softly says in my ear. I jump at the sudden words.

"How-how should i-i-"

He suddenly pulls me towards him, my chest clashing with his. His arms grab my waist and he leans in. He actually leans in. His lips graze my jaw.

"Think of this as repaying me for the shirt." He whispers again. The loud music almost made me miss it. But I don't really miss it, no. Unlike like the wine glass that comes flying at me.

It shatters on the countertop of a bar, missing me by inches. I gasp out loud and take several steps away from it.

"You slut!"

I feel someone slap me across my face.

My eyes land on a blonde head as I recover.

He's My Bully | A TAEHYUNG BULLY ROMANCE FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now