"Arepa discussion" Chpt.3

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As soon as my eyes blinked open when i awoke I jumped out of bed and quickly changed out of my pajamas and into my (casual outfit of choice) and (Shoes of choice), I decided the quicker I got there the sooner my questions could be answered

I decided to bring some arepas I had made the night before, as some sort of "payment" because hey I have faith in my cooking. I think.

The Madrigal family intried me for a reason I couldn't quite crack, but maybe if I could get closer to knowing the truth I wouldn't have to lay awake at night wondering about their magic-or even just the existence of such magic itself.

Either way I grabbed my house keys and bolted out of the door, normally I would kiss my mom bye before i left, but this morning she didn't seem to be present at the moment 

Which was strange considering my brother was outside playing with Antonio as usual.

After locking my front door I went over to where Antonio and my brother were playing "(s/n) Do you know where mama went?" I asked him bending down a bit to pat his head

"Oh she's at the plaza helping Julieta Madrigal, something about a busy day?" he told me tossing a rubber ball up and down repeatedly

"Thanks, be sure to stay near the house okay?" I told him

"uh huh, Tag your it!" (s/n) tapped Antonio's arm and ran away in an instant, Antonio soon following "Aye so much energy" I yawned beginning my short walk to the plaza where I was met with a crowd of people.

Usually this would was abnormal but since Julieta was in the plaza it didn't seem like half her crowd she usually gets.

Which is a good thing considering that means less injuries from people- "(Your name)! There you are!" Camilo called from behind me, excusing himself from the large crowd.

"I'm surprised you were able to make it here through that large crowd" Camilo said trying to catch his breath as if he had ran here "Ah well lucky for me I didn't have to cut through the crowd" I told him laughing to myself 

"Why don't we find a bench?" I suggested. We ended up finding a bench just a few houses down still near the plaza grounds "Oh! I brought some arepas if your hungry" I offered, opening the small basket on my lap unveiling the arepa's

"Oh you really didn't have to" Camilo said taking up my offer and grabbing a few "I insist, think of it as a thank you gift for taking the time to talk to me" I told him.

"So I thought I'd keep it simple today and just ask about your own gift if your comfortable with sharing that information of course" Camilo took a bite of arepa,smiled, and nodded

"Alright then, first off hmm... oh! When you first got your gift-assuming you were Antonio's age- were you able to control it how you are currently or was it a situation of growth and adaptation" I scooted a bit closer to where he sat eager for answers

"You know, I would say I was naturally talented but that's obviously a lie, it took me a while to learn how to control it and to become who I wanted to change into on command, Maybe..3 years? I guess you could say I adapted to it sooner once I figured it out. As for my own identity, I still have trouble figuring myself out. It's a question that never really slips from my thoughts. Who am I?" Camilo smiled to himself fumbling with his poncho a bit as he finished.

"I feel you there, I mean I just to be who I want to be,love who I want,and even do what I strive to achieve. Even though I hesitate to figure myself out I still know that I am me" I smiled at Camilo before reaching for an arepa myself, my hand touched another as me and Camilo had reached for the basket at the exact same time.

We laughed before one at a time reaching for an arepa "how cliche I laughed covering my mouth to avoid chewing with my mouth full "I couldn't agree with you more" Camilo said looking back at me smiling "we seem to be getting along well together" I thought to myself

Suddenly the sky darkened above us and a breeze started around us, Camilo's smile turned into an "uh oh" expression "Something wrong-" 

"CAMILO MADRIGAL" A woman's voice called from ahead of us "Busted..." Camilo muttered to himself "What have I told you about sneaking out when you are supposed to be grounded?!" the orange haired Madrigal's clothes soaked from the rain cloud above her "Lo siento mama, I had to meet with a friend-" A friend huh? 

Despite the moment a small smile spread on my face "I want no excuses from you, in fact you are coming home immediately!" lightning struck as the sky became darker by the minute 

"Come on mama, clear skies, clear skies" Camilo said grabbing her hand and stroking it comfortingly. "Sorry I probably have to go now but it's still early i'd have to go now but it's still early i'd love to meet later if you'd like- Oh even better why don't you join us for dinner tonight?" Camilo said doing an awkward jazz hand pose 

"How can I refuse?" I said with held back laughter 

"Okay i'll see you then, oh- and by the way the arepa's were the best" Camilo said winking and doing finger guns as he walked the direction of the plaza with his mom.

"His exits have character" I laughed to myself.



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