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"Why are you always flying the damn thing?" Hunter asks as he joins Tony and Natasha at the Quinjet's wheel

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"Why are you always flying the damn thing?" Hunter asks as he joins Tony and Natasha at the Quinjet's wheel. Natasha raises her eyebrow at his question.

"Because I designed the damn thing," Tony answers.

"No you didn't," he reasons, "S.H.I.E.L.D. did."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. created the thing," the billionaire explains, "I simply made it better." The woman beside them lets out a deep sigh before rising from her seat and Hunter follows her with his eyes. 

"Whatever," he mumbles, taking his eyes off her, and he leans back in the chair. He crosses his arms as he uses his foot to turn the chair around. Glancing around, he finds Steve by Clint's side, who's strapped to a stretcher, and Thor at the other side of the cabin, inspecting the case with Loki's Sceptre inside. As his eyes dart further across the cabin, he barely notices how Natasha kneels out of his vision, probably at the same spot where Bruce has been 'hanging out' the entire ride. He bites the inside of his cheek as he forces himself to look away and so he turns his head back around to face Tony. "What's next?"

"Nothing," the man tells.

"Nothing?" he repeats with a questioning tone in his voice.

"Nothing to fight at least."

"I knew you had something up your sleeve," Hunter sighs, "what is it?"

"It's just a party," Tony tries to defend himself, "to celebrate our success."

"It's never just a party when you host it." Tony wisely remains quiet and Hunter lets out a chuckle. "Don't tell me I'm wrong in this."

"Oh, I'm not," his teammate tells him with a grin. When the man turns his focus back to flying, Hunter turns his head back around to the cabin. His ears catch these two familiar voices talking softly at his right and unconsciously adjust to identify their words.

"How long before you trust me?" The muscles in his face tighten, making him clench his teeth.

"It's not you I don't trust." His body now feels like it's boiling, and on his face appears a visible shade of red.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you," a voice next to him whispers, making him jump. 

"What- What are you talking about?" he scoffs as he turns his chair back around, facing the front window.

"Don't play dumb with me, Black," Tony chuckles, "you were totally jealous of Banner and Romanoff."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hunter denies, folding his arms tightly across his chest.

"Sure..." he sang, "just know that I'll use this against you now... forever and ever." Hunter leans his head back, groaning. Tony snickers at the man's reaction, which leads to Hunter hitting him in the stomach and making the other Avengers look over at the duo as he cries out in pain.

"Are you unwell, Stark?" Thor asks confused.

"No," he responds, "I'm splendid." He looks over to Hunter, mouthing, payback is coming. "By the way, Banner," he begins once the pain numbs, "Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul... Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"

"Uh, yeah," Bruce answers, "she knows her way around." Tony thanks him and gives JARVIS the instruction of telling her to prepare everything for Clint's treatment. He then pushes his chair backward. 

"Take the wheel," he instructs Hunter as stands up. 

"Yes sir," the agent answers jokingly. He waits for Tony to step down into the cabin before taking his seat at the wheel. The three voices of the other male Avengers kill the silence as they start talking about their next 'move', also known as Tony's celebration party. With their loud voices drowning out the conversation between Bruce and Natasha, Hunter draws his attention to his flying and so doesn't notice how Natasha joins him.

"What happened?" she questions.

Hunter's jaw clenches. "What?"

"Between you and Tony," she adds.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

She narrows her eyes. "You punched him, didn't you?"

"He deserved it," he defends himself.

"How did he deserve it?"

"He's Tony Stark," Hunter states, "when does he not deserve it?"

"Fair," the redhead shrugs as she throws her feet on top of the control panels. 

Hunter swallows. He doesn't want to ask the question, yet he does. "How's Banner doing?"

"As good as he can be after a Code Green," Natasha reports, "he's not very talkative."

"He'll be fine." He almost lets out a sigh in relief when the Stark Tower enters his vision. "JARVIS, take over," he tells the AI.

"Certainly, Mr. Black," the robotic voice answers. He releases his hands from the wheel, watching as it retreats to the panel before pushing his chair back.

"I assume you'll be joining Barton in the lab?" he guesses, facing the woman.

She nods. "We are the ones who saw what happened to him and treated him as good as we could," she explains, "Dr. Cho would need that information to continue his treatment." Her eyes dart to her best friend and Hunter follows her gaze. The archer's face twists in pain and a groan leaves his lips as the jet lands, making Natasha jump up. Hunter quickly opens the back of the Quinjet before jumping up himself. He watches as Natasha guides the stretcher outside, Dr. Helen Cho joining her as they head inside, and Maria Hill steps up the ramp.

She greets Hunter with a nod. "Lab's all set up, boss," she then informs Tony.

"Oh, actually he's the boss," Tony claims. He points his finger at Steve, who turns his head around. "I just pay for everything and design everything," he tells, "and make everyone look cooler."

"What's the word on Strucker?" Steve questions, ignoring Tony's claims.

"NATO's got him," Maria reports.

"The two enhanced?" the Captain continues as he makes his way towards the woman.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins," she tells, "orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history..." Their voices faint as they also make their way out of the Quinjet, towards the door.

"Cap's taking everything way too seriously," Tony sighs as he grabs his stuff.

"Don't be too hard on him," Hunter comments, "sarcasm is hard for seniors." And Tony snorts with laughter.

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