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The first thing I feel.
Sound of water, waves.
The first thing I hear.
My eyes are closed. I can't open them, even if I try to.
Sound if men shouting.
I feel someone next to me.

I'm all soaked wet. I can feel it.

I've always liked the sea. The ocean.
The way it makes you feel. The sound of the water, of the waves, the way its slowly moves. Even if I'm just a kid. I understand the feelings of peace and sooooo many other, but mum and dad says I'm too young. I see the sea like a wonderful and special thing. They always tell me, they say and I quote "You're too young, when you'll grow up, you'll see how the world is, and how cruel every special thing you see now, it won't be anymore".

I don't know where I am.
Maybe it's a dream. Maybe. Maybe not.
I feel someone lifting me up and hear voices "Take care of these two, you're in charge" and by that this man I think places me on something hard.
It's uncomfy.
I try to open my eyes. Still can't.
Whiek trying to open my eyes I feel a soft hand on my face, then on my hair.

"You're really pretty" I soft voice says.
My eyes open and I joilt up, breathing rapidly and she hides her hand behind her back and smiles shyly.
She looks at me "My names Elizabeth Swann" she says.
Her skin looks soft, pretty hair, face, a dress like the ones my mother wore, but this girl Elizabeth is, I think, the same age I am.
I look besides and see a boy. Will.My bestfriend.

My mouth is still shut, I look up ate her and hesitate, then say "My names Kazimyrah Walker" I say.
Before I pass out and everything goes back to black. 


Hiiiii loves. I know this is a really short chapter but it's only the first ya'know?
Anyways, Kazimyrah is a name from my fav book and plus I hope you liked how this book started!

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