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We made it out without anyone noticing us.
My boots are soaked wet as me walk on the water.
"We're gonna steal the ship" Will says looking at the ship.
I look down at my now soaked also red dress. Awsome.
"That ship?" I ask "Commandeer, love" he says not turning his head.

"We're gonna commandeer that ship, nautical term" he says pointing at another ship.
Jack suddenly turns to face Will. So I step aside.
"One question about your buissness boy, or, there's no use going" ans he looks through his soul. That's deep.
"This girl, how far are you willing to go to save her?" he asks.

As much as I love Elizabeth and Will.
It pains me to see my bestfriends raht I have feelings for, fall for another girl.

I look down, try to stay and act un bothered by that question, or even the topic.
The way he got mad when commodore said that the was no use on asking Jack or just do little things.
But after all, I can't do anything.

My lift my head up as I hear "I'd die for her".
The I feel four eyes on me "Me too" I say, not looking at Will.
"Good, no worries then" jack says.
Yup, no worries.

"So" he starts.
"We need to go under that little tiny boat, then get to the water, then climb up the ship" he smiles.
I just don't smile and say "You make it sound easy" he walks closer to me "Well because it is easy, love" he says and steps back.

"It is easy" oh please.


We make it under the boat and star to wlak rapidly "This is a bad idea" I start.
We walk and make it to the water.

We're in it. In the sea. And breathing. Holyyyyy.
"This is either madness or brilliance" Will says.
"Bloody hell, I think this is awsome" I mumble.
But it's still difficult to walk. Sadly.
But anyways, it's brilliant.

"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."

Mid-way will steps on something, and shakes his leg, trying to free himself from it.


"You first Miss Walker" Jack says, I shake my head "No way in hell, I'm wearing a dress, and second of all don't call me miss, my name is Kazimyrah" he nods rapidly and starts climbing the ship.
Wilm tunes to me, gives me a warm smile and climbs.

You can do it Kazimyrah, it's gonna be easy. Not like life cause life ain't easy but ya'know.

I place my foot on a window the a hand on the one on top of it and get out of the water.
One, done.
Two, done.
Done, done, down and I'm on the ship.
Phew. I did it.

I take the skirt of my dress and shake it a hit so it's not sticky.
My hair is soaked wet so is everything else.
I look up and see Jack and Will  staring at me while I fix the dress.
"Need help?" I ask annoyed they shake their head and turn away

I follow them down.
"Every stay calm, we're taking over the ship!" Jack shouts, Will steps next to him "Aye, Avast!" he shouts putting his sword in position, in front of him.
Jack has a pistol, Will a sword and then I realise "Somebody give me a sword" I say in disbelief, not loud.
The men turned around and started laughing.

I raise an eyebrow as they continue tk laugh.
"This shop cannot be crewed by two men" the one with white hair says then turns to look at me disgusted "And a... Woman" he says.
"Excuse me?" I says and take a step but a hand stops me, Will.

"You'll never make it out of the bay" he says, smiling proudly.
"Son" Jack starts.
"I'm captain Jack Sparrow" he says and point the pistol at his face.


"Here they come" Will says coming up.

I turn around and see a ship following us.
Ugh, Norrington, can't do his job right.
"I hate that man" I say not taking my eyes away from the ship.
Once they're close enough I follow Jack and Will, we hide and once they're, quite all on this ship, each one of us grabs a rope and goes on the other ship.

Will cuts all the ropes that connects thsi ship to the other one, and we sail away.
"Thank you commodore for making us ready to make way!" Sparrow yells waving his hat.
Then he continues "We've had a hard time of it by ourselves"
I smile slightly and they start to shoot.
Will grabs me and lowers me anough to not get shot.

Our faces are an inch close. Oh my.
We could kiss, but that doesn't happen. Oh gosh. I have butterflies in my stomach. It hurts, but it's beautiful at the same time.
His eyes are on mine. Oh lord.

Once everything's stops I stand up suddenly.
And clear my throat "Thank you" I say
"For?" he says.
"I might be dead by now if you handnt pulled me down" He nods, hesitates and walks away.

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