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I never went back to the shop.
I just went back home.
I was supposed to practice, preferred not to.
I've been practicing with swords with Will since he started making swords.
3 hours a day.
I nearly killed him twice.

Men here underestimate a woman. As if they're better than woman. Some of them can't even know how to hold a sword, or even fight.
I was going to slap commodore for a comment he made, he said and I quote "You're a woman, you can'tdo that, you any return to the kitchen" Will stopped me before I could slap that jerk.

Or when, while I was working in the shop a woman came in, looked at me up and down scoffed and walked up to me "You should wear a corset, you know, for the matter of your waist" she told me wide eyes.
I smiled at her "Not my problem if you don't like how I dress, you can simply walk out that door and create no problem to anyone miss" I said, she looked at me in disbelief and stomped out the shop.


I walk down the streets searching for Will.
Since he's not here I make my way to where he makes his swords.
Before I got out of home I wore a pair of boots instead of those painful slippers, they hurt like hell.
I arrive and try to get him but it's locked. I press me ear on the door to hear if someone's there.

Clanging. Someone's fighting in there.
"Will!" I say "Will!? Is anyone in there!?" I say, a louder this time.
No response.
"Okay, don't answer" I mumble and walk to the other side of the place. Theres a door on the other side.

Please be open I think, I slowly place my hand on the door and push it open .
Silently I make my way in and grab a sword on my way I hold it tight and step in view with the sword in front of me.
Slowly my arm comes down to my side.

Will and a... Pirate?
"Hey!" I yell. They freeze. "Kazimyrah?" Will breathes. "No the governor, who is he?" I say "Captain Jack Sparrow, darling" Jack says and then looks at Will "So there's a girl" He smirks, Will opens his mouth "Not her" Will says.

There's a uncomfy silence before Jack says something "Well" he shrugs "Your loss" then he behind to fight again with Will.
"Oh no you won't" I say and fight.
A hand on my sword and another one on my dress.
I block the sword that's was going to hit my face. Another one, and another one and another one.
"Where'd you learn that" jack breathes my sword blocking his "You know it's not very nice trying to kill a woman" I say, Will gets in my way and now out of nothing they're on top on me.

They're going to kill eachother.

Will lands on his feet, Jack grabs big cloth and shakes it letting out sand I think, it gets in my eyes i let go of my sword trying to get the sand out of my eyes.
Once I open them jack has a pistol in front of me and Will.
"You cheated" Will says. "Pirate" Jack asnwers. I shake my head.

Bang. Someone's banging on the door.
Will and I step in his way "Move away" jack says "No" we say.
Jack tries again "Please move?" he pleaded with... A face.
"Nope" I say smiling.
"I cannot just stpe aside and let you escape" Will says.

Jack sighs, and charges his gun "This hsot is not meant for you" he says "Then don't waste it" I say.
Suddenly behind Jack's head, glass breaks.
Then he falls on the floor. Ouch.
Revealing Mr. Brown with a broken bottle in his hand.
Bang! The door flies open and my head snaps up, soldiers run in "There he is!" they all come around Jack laying half dead on the floor.

"Exellent work Mr. Brown" Commodore Norrington compliments him I ppem my mouth to disagree but Will places his hand on mine "It's okay" he whispers only for me to hear.
I give him a look and mouth 'it's not fair' he just shakes his head.
"Well I trust that this is the day that Captain Jack sparrow almost escaped. Take him away." He orders they nod and pick Jack up. And they all walk out.

As they are all gone something hits me "Not her".
He really said that, didn't he? Something in me is aching.
I turn around and arms wrap around me, squeezing me. "Oh my God, love, are you all right?" Will asks me, he sound concerned "Yes" I say, I can feel my eyes sting with tears, before we break apart I make sure there no tears in my eyes or face.

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