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"no, no, no. It's frightful back luck to bring a woman aboard, sir, now two?" Mr. Gibbs stops Jack, I give him a look.
Jack looks at me and I raise an eyebrow "It'll be far worse not to have her, and especially her" Jack says pointing at me, I nod once.


There's a storm. I'm soaked wet.
I can't stay on my feet, when I do I fall .
"shuck!" I whisper-yell. I try to get ahold of a rope but fail.
I fall again "For shucks sake" I say, I feel and arm around me pulling me up "Don't let go" Will.

I find a rope and pull it down "How can we sail to an island tagt nobody can find?" Will says loud wniugh for Gibbs to hear.
"And the compass doesn't even work!" I say.
"Aye, the compass doesn't point to North, but we're trying to find north, are we?" he says louder.
I close my eyes once again when I feel water come. Its burning my eyes.
Then I realise.

I've read about that compass months ago.
I've always loved pirates and the sea, so I've always read about them, in the shop.
That compass shows you the place you desire.
Mr. Gibbs walks away, the wind and the harsh movements of the ship making his loose balance.
Will grabs me by my waist pulling me tight into him.

A few moments later I realise were out of the storm once the wind and rain stops.
And all of us lean on the railing, just looking.
Everyone's silent, I turn my head towards Mr Gibbs when I hear him talk "Puts a chill in the bones, how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage" He says.
After a while I walk over to where Annamaria is sitting.

"Hello there" I say sitting next to her.
She looks at me then back to looking at the nothingness.
"Hey, girl" she smiles, I can feel my cheeks burn a little.
"Tell me" Hs esays and turns to look at me.
"Why are you here, ingeneral" she says corious courios.
"I'm here to save my bestfriend, with Will, who's also my bestfriend" Is say then continue "Who's in love with Elizabeth" I say it quietly 

"You don't seem happy about the last one" She states.
I remain silent and look away.
"Well girl, I don't know in how many years but I have never seen a Woman as strong and beautiful as you, so if he doesn't love you, don't waste time on a man, girl" she says smiling, she gets on her feet and walks away, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

"Lower the anchor!" I hear and get up and see Jack, Will and Mr Gibbs all together so I walk towards them.
"Young Mr Turner and I are to go ashore" Jack says "What about me" I say and the three of them turn their heads to look at me.
"You, love, stay here" he says and starts walking away so does Will so I grab his arm "I'm going to go with you two" Will stops "It's too dangerous, Kaz, I don't want you to get hurt" he says.

I look at Mr. Gibbs and Jack saying something to eachother and turn back to Will.
"Please" I beg.
He hugs me tightly and whispers something I can't hear.
"Don't do anything stupid" I say, he just smirks and walks away.

They get on a little boat and start to sail away.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around.
"Hey, you, come" Anamaria tells me I nod and follow her to a tiny room in the ship, it has a little bed a small couch and a folding screen.
I look at her confused "I think you might wanna get out if this now, whatever it is, red dress" she says nodding.
"Oh, yes please" I say in relief. I watch her open this wooden closet revealing a few clothes.

She puts her hand through the clothes searching for something "Pants or skirt?" she asks me "Pants" I answer she smirks and turn her head back to the closet.

After five minutes she grabs everything and places them on the bed.
"Go on" she says I nod and go behind the folding screen a mnd start changing.
I slowly zip off my dress and it falls on the floor.
She gave me black pants, a black corset ( not the ones that prevents you to breath of course) and a white blouse and a belt to put my sword in.
I put everything on and my black boots, and step aside "How do I look?" I ask she smiles "Like a pirate" She says I smile.

I turn and look at myself in the mirror.
Everything's so pretty and fits me well.
My brown long hair looks not so good but I can deal with that, I grab a comb and fix it.

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