vii. real, or not real?

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real, or not real?  ❞

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STEVE KICKED THE doorknob of Lucy's old apartment and broke the lock, beckoning for Bucky to follow him as he swung the door open.

The entire complex was emptied and abandoned, clearly changing in the five years that had passed since any of them had been there last. Bucky had Lucy's limp body in his arms, holding her close as he entered the living room.

"Here." Steve cleared the couch, haphazardly throwing the items on it to the floor before grabbing a pillow from the chair beside it. "You can lay her down."

Bucky couldn't tear his eyes away from the woman in his arms, admiring how she hadn't changed much at all. Her long eyelashes kissed the skin under her eyes and her pouty lips were parted ever so slightly. There was dried blood on her cheekbone, coming from the cut on her face from where one of her attackers had snuck in a hit. He clenched his jaw at the thought of those dirty HYDRA agents' hands on her.

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