xxii. everything, in time

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everything, in time  ❞

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ONLY ABOUT A day had passed since the Flag-Smashers were taken down, and needless to say, Lucy and Bucky had spent the entirety of their newfound free time sleeping.

They were purely exhausted from the past couple of weeks they had. Bucky was still asleep when Lucy had woken up, making it hard for her to slip out of bed with his arm curled over her. As much as she wanted to stay in bed, Lucy put a note on his bedside table, informing him that she was going to therapy to avoid his inevitable panic when he woke up.

Except, her being in therapy was kind of a lie.

Lucy's eyes were on the piece of paper in her hands, scanning over the address written down. She lifted her head and viewed the number on the building in front of her one more time to make sure that she was at the right building.

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