viii. take me home

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take me home  ❞

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"WHEN I FELL off of the train, the serum kept me from dying on impact with the ground," Bucky stiffly began.

Lucy and Bucky were facing each other on the couch, a blanket draped over their intertwined forms. The moonlight cascaded through the window and left a soft light floating through the room, accompanying the gentle flame of the candle that Lucy had dug out and set up.

A few minutes prior, Steve had left the couple to talk in private after Bucky had urged him to go and get some sleep. He knew that with everything going on lately, Steve probably hadn't gotten a good night's rest in a long time.

Lucy's fingers were interlaced with Bucky's right hand, squeezing it when she noticed his hesitance. "Take your time," she whispered with a gentle smile.

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