xi. stubborn love

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stubborn love  ❞

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"ALL RIGHT, TRY this." Bucky slid a glass bottle toward Lucy, an eager smile on his face as he beckoned for her to take a sip.

The couple was sitting with Yori at Izzy, feasting on the long plate of sushi that stretched across the counter in front of them as they conversed. Bucky had a bottle of beer in one of his hands, while the other rested on Lucy's thigh.

Lucy picked up the bottle and read the label, a small smile growing on her lips. "Plum soda." She craned her head to the side to look at him. "What is it with you and plums?"

"Don't bash it until you try it."

Tilting the bottle and holding the top to her lips, Lucy took a sip. She was pleasantly surprised by the mild fruity flavor, pulling the drink away while licking her lips. "Mm. Not bad."

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