3)Nothing Is Imposible

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Vicenzo Pov
Our Car Stop

"Boss We Are Already Here"Mr Wong Said

"Okay Then"I Said As Tge Guard Open The Car Door As I Went Out

"Ahjussi Are You Really Adopting Me?"Yuri Said

"Yes I Am Dont Call Me Ahjussi Call Me Papa"I Said

"Okay Papa"Yuri Said As I Flash A Smile On Him As We Went Inside The Mansion

"Good Afternoon Mister Cassano"The Maids Greeted

"Good Afternoon"I Said As We Proceed In The Living Room

"Vicenzo Who Is The Kid With You"My Wife Said

"Lets Talk In My Office Mina Take Yuri In A Room Make Sure You Take A Bath And Treat Her"I Said

"Yes Mr Cassano"Mina Said

"Yuri Sweetie You Go Follow Mina Eonnie Okay?"I Said

"Okay Papa"Yuri Said As They Left

"Lets Go"I Said To My Wife As We Went In The Office

Chae-yong Pov
I Was Confuse Why Did The Kid Call Him Papa Does He Have A Kid On Another Girl?We Went Inside His Office

"Who Was That Kid?Why Is She Calling You Papa?Do You Have A Kid On Another Girl?"I Ask

"No Chae-yong Ah I Just Saw Her In The Cementery When I Visit Y/n"He Said

"What??Then Why Is She Here?Dont Tell Me You Will Sold Her To Other Gangs"I Said

"No Its Not That Im Planning On Adopting Her"He Said

"What??What About Her Parents?"I Said

"She Run Away In Her Dad Cause She Was Abuse Thats Why She Had Many Bruise And Just Take A Look At Her Isn't She Like Our Daughter?"He Said He Was Right She Lookslike Our Daughter But She Already Died

"Cassano Are You Insane She Already Died"I Said

"What If I Told Not?"He Said

"What?"I Said As He Sigh

"I Investigate On It And The Hospital Said There Was A Transfering Happened So There Is A Chance That Our Enemy Hide Her From Us And Pretend That She Is Already Killed"He Said

"Its Imposible"I Sair

"Nothing Is Imposible Cha-young Ah"He Said As He Walk Pass Me

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