4)We Love Spoiling Our Princess

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Vicenzo Pov
I Was Now In The Living Room When

"Good Afternoon Mrs Cassano Good Afternoon Miss Cassano"I Heard The Maids Greeted

"Good Afternoon Papa"Yuri Said As She Went On Me And Hug Me

"Princess Where Did You Go"I Said As We Release The Hug

"Mama Take Me On A Shopping Even I Dont Need It"Yuri Said

"Aish Baby You Know You Always Need Some Shoppings"Cha-young Said

"Aish Mama Dont Spoil Me"Yuri Said

"Why Not?We Love Spoiling Our Princess"I Said

"Aish Papa You Too I Cant Believe It"Yuri Said As We Chuckle When My Phone Rings

"Excuse Me Princess I Have To Take This Call"I Said As She Nodded As I Answer The Call

Me:Yes Doctor Kim
Doctor Kim:Vicenzo Come And Get The Results Now Its Already With Me
Me:Okay I Will Be There
~Hang Up~

I Stand Up As I Fix My Tie

"Jagiya Where Are You Going?"Cha-Young Ask

"Im Going Somewhere I Wont Be Long There You Guys Take Care Okay?"I Said

"Bye Papa"Yuri Said

"Bye"I Said As I Hop In The Car

"Where Are We Going Boss"Mr Wong Ask

"To The Kim Hospital"I Said As He Drove Away

Cha-Young Pov
Vicenzo Just Left

"Mama Where Is Papa Going"Yuri Ask

"Yuri Ssi You Know He Has Work But Im Sure He Will Back Anyways Wanna Have Some Ice Cream?"I Said

"Yes Mama I Want Some"Yuri Said As I Chuckle

"Okay Then Lets Go And Get Some Ice Cream"I Said As Went In The Kitchen

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