14)We Are Getting Married?

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Y/n Pov
We Are Here On Our Way To Meet My Future Husband Yeah Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovWe Are Here On Our Way To Meet My Future Husband Yeah Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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We Were Now In The Limo On Our Way To The Restaurant I Was Staring In The Car Window Outside

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We Were Now In The Limo On Our Way To The Restaurant I Was Staring In The Car Window Outside

"Dont Worry Honey Im Sure You Would Love Him"Mama Said

"Dont Make Us Disappoint Y/n We Are Counting On You"Papa Said

"Yeah"I Said As Our Car Stop

"Mister Cassano We Are Already Here"Papa's Driver Said As The Guard Open The Door On Us As We Went Outside The Car And We Went In The Restaurant

"Cassano Family Your Table Is This Way"The Reveiptionist Said As She Guide Us Until We Reach In Our Table When I Saw The Guy Last Night Wait No Freaking Way

"Yujin Ah Finally You Guys Are Here"Mama Said Wait What??

"Yes I Am Is This Y/n Already?"She Ask

"Well She Is Indeed Our Daughter So"Papa Said

"You Are So Pretty Y/n Ah"Auntie Yujin Said

"Thanks Auntie"I Said

"Anyways Jake Meet Your Wife Y/n"Uncle Jae Hyun Said As We Made An Eye Contact As Our Eyes Went Widened

"What??We Are Getting Married?"We Said In The Same Time

"Yes Isn't That Great Honey"Mama Said

"And Also Thats What You Guys Promise Right?"Uncle Jae Hyun Said

"Papa Its Too Early For Us To Get Married Like We Are Still Freaking 21(Korean Age)We Still Want To Enjoy Each Other Lives"I Said

"Y/n We Talk About This Right"Papa Said As I Deeply Sigh

"Im Agreeing With These Marriege"Jake Said As I Give Him What Are Saying Look As He Just Shrugged It Off

"Well Great Then I Think Its Just Already Y/n's Permission We All Indequet"Mama Said

"Im Agreeing With These Beside I Dont Have A Choice"I Said

"Great Then Anyways Son Can You Take Y/n For A Walk We Will Just Call You When The Food Is Here"Auntie Yujin Said

"Yes Mom"Jake Said As He Grab My Hand And We Left

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