30Surprise Mother Fucker

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Jake Pov
I Was Now Here In The Mansiom As It All Mess Eunwoo Was Took In The Hospital

"Boss Mister Cassano Is Here"My Right Hand Said

"Uncle"I Call

"I Already Know Who The One Behind In This"Y/n's Dad Said

"Who Is It?"I Said

"Its Lim Yujon"Y/n's Dad Said Wait The One Who Abuse Her When She Goy Kidnapped?

Y/n Pov
I Woke Up And I Was Tied In A Metal Chair The Room Was Dark Not Until

"How Are You My Daughter"A Fammiliar Voice I Heard Make My Eyes Widened

"You!?"I Said

"Yes Honey Miss Me"Mister Lim Said

"What Do You Want From Me"I Said

"Its Simple I Want To See You Dying"Mister Lim Said

"What?"I Said As He Pointed The Gun On Me

"How Could You Run Away You Bitch"Mister Lim Said

"Run Away?I Think Its Even The Best Thing I Did To Get Out In That Hell"I Saif

"You!?"Mister Lim Said And About To Pull The Trigger When The Door Opened

"Boss Someone Is Attacking Us"He Said

"Who?"Mister Lim Said

"Its"He Was Cutted Off By Someone Shooting Him

"No One Ever Messed Up With My Family"A Voice I Heard And It Was Papa

"Mister Cassano?Mister Sim?"Mister Lim Said

"Surprise Mother Fucker"Jake Said

"Jake Go Release Your Wife I Can Take Care Of This Pest"Papa Said As Jake Went Towards Me And Release Me

"Jake How?"I Said

"Just Dont Ask"Jake Said And Untie Me While Helping Me Standing Up

"Do You Think You Can Beat Me Like That No You Guys Cant"Mister Lim Said

"Really?Is That So I Think Your Mistaken Cause They Were Easy To Beat Honestly"Uncle Hyungsik Said

"And Also Someone Is Already Waiting For You Right Now"Uncle Logan Said

"Who?"Mister Lim Said

"Its Satan"Papa Said And Shoot Him In The Head As I Sigh

"Are You Okay?"Jake Ask Worriedly

"Yeah Im Fine Thanks For Saving Me Guys"I Said

"Its Nothing We Are Here To Protect You"Papa Said As I Flash A Smile On Them
10 Months Later
Y/n Pov
I Was Now Here Playing With Our 6 Months Old Son

"Jae Hyuk Say Mama"I Said

"Mama"He Said Makes Me Smile

"Your So Fast Learner Now Say Papa"I Said

"Papa"He Said

"Jake!Jake!"I Call Him As He Rushly Went

"Whats Going On"Jake Ask

"Look Jake Jaehyuk Say Mama"I Said

"Mama"Jae Hyuk Said

"Now Say Papa"I Said

"Papa"Jae Hyuk Said Makes Jake Smile

"Can You Say It Again?"Jake Said

"Papa Papa"Jae Hyuk Said And I Heard Some Sobbing I Turn Around And Saw Jake Crying

"Yah!Why Are You Crying"I Said

"Y/n I Cant Believe He Just Call Me Papa"Jake Said As I Chuckle On Him

The End

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