18)Jaeyun's Confessed

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Y/n Pov
I Am Now Here On My Way To The Mafia Party Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovI Am Now Here On My Way To The Mafia Party Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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Our Car Stop As A Men Opened The Door On Me As I Went Out And Walk In The Red Carpet While Media Start Taking A Picture Of Me

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Our Car Stop As A Men Opened The Door On Me As I Went Out And Walk In The Red Carpet While Media Start Taking A Picture Of Me

"Miss Cassano Is It True That Your Getting Married In A Famous Mafia Family In Austrillia?"The Press Ask

"Yes I Am Anyways I Have To Go Now"I Said As I Start Walking In The Stairs

"Miss Cassano We Still Have Some Questions"They Said I Shrugged Them Off As I Went In The Venue

"Y/n Honey Your Finally Here"Papa Said

"Yeah I Just Got Stuck In The Traffic"I Said

"Aish We Told You To Rode The Helecopter"Mama Said

"Aish Mama Thats So Over Acting And Also People Might Say Im Being Extra"I Said

"Well If You Say So"Papa Said As Jake Went In

"Excuse Me Uncle Can I Borrow Y/n For Awhile"Jake Said

"Sure Our Daughter Is All Yours"Mama Said As Jake Nodded And Interwine His Hands On Mine

"Where Are We Going?"I Ask

"You Will See"He Said

"As Usual"I Sais As He Chuckle On Me As We Rode An Elevator Make Is Lead In The Last Floor In The Rooftop The Elevator Opened As We Went Out And We Went The Rooftop And This View What We Saw

"As Usual"I Sais As He Chuckle On Me As We Rode An Elevator Make Is Lead In The Last Floor In The Rooftop The Elevator Opened As We Went Out And We Went The Rooftop And This View What We Saw

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I Was Start Struck By The View

"Do You Like It"He Said And I Nodded As Yes

"Lets Go There"He Said Pointing On The Wooden Bench As We Sat There

"So Why Did You Take Me Here"He Said

"Nothing I Just Want Just The Two Of Us"He Said

"So Thats Why You Stole Me From My Dad"I Said

"What??No Excuse Me I Ask Him An Permission To Get His Daughter"He Said As I Chuckle On Him

"Y/n Ah"He Call As I Just Hmm In Respond

"I Love You"He Said Makes My Heart Beat Stop

"Jake Ah"I Call Him

"I Know It Already Its Fine I Can Wait"He Said With A Smile While I Just Nod

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