5)Knowing The Truth

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Vicenzo Pov
Our Car Stop That Means We Are Here

"Boss We Are Already Here"Mr Wong Said As I Nodded My Men Opened The Car Door On Me As I Went Outside

"Boss"My Right Hand Greeted As He Bow

"Where Is Doctor Kim"I Ask While Fixing My Suit

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"Where Is Doctor Kim"I Ask While Fixing My Suit

"In Her Clinic"My Right Hand Said As I Nodded We Took An Elevator As We Arrive In Her Clinic We Knock Before Getting In

"Omo!Vicenzo You Are Already Here"Doctor Kim Said

"Yes I Am So You Already Got Iy"I Said As I Sat In The Chair

"Of Course Here Is The Result"Doctor Kim Said Giving Me An Envilope Well I Trust Her Since She Is My Most Trusted Ally Wife So

I Look At The The Result Makes Me Shock

"Congrats You Already Found Here"Doctor Kim Said Smiling On Me

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"Congrats You Already Found Here"Doctor Kim Said Smiling On Me

"I Know We Have To Go Now Thanks For This"I Said

"Its Nothing"Doctor Kim Said As We Went Out On His Clinic

"Boss What Are We Going To Do Now"My Right Hand Said

"Call Hyungsik And Soo Hyun To Investigate Who Did It Cause I Wont Let That Person Live Peacefully"I Said

"Yes Boss"My Right Hand Sajd Following My Order

Yuri Pov
Mama And I Were Now Eating Ice Cream

"So How Was The Ice Cream?"Mama Ask

"Delizioso(Delicious)Mama"I Said As She Chuckle

"Your Really Such A Fast Learner Just Two Weeks You Already Know Many Italian Words"Mama Said

"Well Thanks To You And Papa For Helping Me"I Said When

"Im Home"A Voice I Heard And It Was Papa

"Papa"I Said Running On Him Giving Him A Hug

"Gosh My Daughter Really Miss Me Anyways I Have Something To Tell Yoy"Papa Said

"What Is It Papa"I Said As Papa Cupped My Cheekz

"You Are My Real Daughter You Are Veronica Y/n Cassano"Papa Said In A Serious Tone

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