25)Sit And Obey Me

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Jake Pov
I Was Now Finally Home

"Good Evening Mister Sim"They Said

"Good Evening"I Said As I Sat In The Couch

"Omo!Boss I Think I Should Get You The First Aid"I Cutted The Maid Off

"I Want Y/n Now"I Said

"Yes Boss"A Maid Said And Boe And Went Upstairs

Y/n Pov
I Was Watching Some Movie In Netflix Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovI Was Watching Some Movie In Netflix Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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I Munch My Popcorn As I Look In The Screen

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I Munch My Popcorn As I Look In The Screen

"Bitch Just Run The Zombies Will Caught You"I Said When I Heard A Knock

"Come In"I Said And Pause The Movie And The Door Opened Revealing One Of The Maids

"Ohh What Is It?"I Ask

"Maam Mister Sim Wants Yoy In The Living Room"The Maid Said

"Okay Okay"I Said Get Up In And Went Downstairs As I Saw Him With Some Bruises And Cuts

"Y/n Ah~"He Said With His Sweet Voice And Hug Me As I Broke The Hug

"Mister Sim What Happened In Your Face"I Said As I Put My Arms In My Chest With A Serious Face

"I Just Got Stumble"He Liex

"Yah!Sim Jaeyun Dont You Dare Full Me I Know Something Fight Happened Look You Have So Many Cuts And Bruises In Your Face"I Said Scolding Him As He Sigh

"Im Sorry"He Said

"Hana Get The First Aid Kit"I Said

"Yes Maam"Hana Said And Left

"But Y/n"I Cutted Him Off

"Sit And Obey Me"I Said As He Sigh

"Fine"He Said

"Here Is The First Aid Kit Maam"Hana Said

"Great Now Dont Move"I Said And He Nodded I Start Treating Him

"Ouch!Y/n That Hurts"He Said Hissing

"You Literally Love Fighting And Just A Little Bit Of Alcohol Your Already Crying"I Said

"Look I Just Defend My Self Okay"He Said

"I Know Now Dont Move"I Said

"Fine"He Said Defeatedly

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