Bad Things Happen.

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Arianna's P.O.V

I stared a bit longer at him taking in his large fit form. Even though he was sitting you could easily tell he was well over six feet, his brown hair was short yet long enough to brush against his eye lids, and cropped his angular features. His eyes were the most breath taking view of blue-green, with straight nose and strong jaw.

I spent a bit more time lingering on his soft red lips, the way he was biting on his lower lip had me wondering if he was teasing me or inviting me to do the same.

I underestimated Nina, he is the sexiest creature I had ever laid eyes on. His aura just spoke dangerous, but that didn't stop me from being drawn towards him and I didn't mind. He was dressed in a white shirt, cardigan, skinny jeans and beat up converse.

He is sexy. I can't help it.

Still looking him over, my eyes travelled up to his perfect face and my eyes made contact with his, I could tell he was looking at me it was like he was stripping me bare pride and dignity, his eyes were blank but said so many things, he spoke no words, but his eyes were telling a story. Not one that began with ͑Once upon a time͗ but one that began with ͑ Life happened ͗. I wanted to figure him out, his secrets, the pain behind his eyes. I wanted to know his story, I wanted to know him.

I sound so obsessed!

I stared right back at him but he swiftly stood from his chair and slung his bag on his shoulder and walked out the cafeteria.

A frown made its way to my face at the sudden loss of eye candy and mystery. I wanted to figure this dude out, I had no idea why but I wanted to, I had to.

I turned towards my laughing friends and sighed deeply, we are an awkward bunch I thought to myself. I have a quote on my phone that says 'Only when you describe your friends to other people you realize how awkward they are' and then you realize you really don't give a f-ck you wouldn't want them any other way' and that was true I love that my friends are different it's what makes them my kind of people and come on who else would put up with my insaneness, my friends that's who.

The bell rang causing a ring of groans around our table before we all got up, threw out our trash and went our separate ways shouting to each other where we're going to meet after school and we were on our way.


The last few minutes of Literature were winding down and I would be home free, my party tonight will be at The Bed hosted by pillow, Iphone, and blanket. Don't you just love that combination?

I looked at my literature teacher, I love literature and she's a good teacher and the occasional gossiping lightens the class. I threw my book into my bag and stood as the bell signaled school was over, I was walking home today instead of going over to Nina's, I was swimming in homework. Instead if using the front exit, I use the back which is an easier way home.

As I walked to the back exit my phone vibrated in my pocket showing I had a message, it was Trish, my other partner in crime.

"So if ur too skool 4 cool" the message said.

I instantly recognized the lyrics by Pink, Raise Your Glass and replied.

"And ur treated like a fool "

"You should choose to let it go, we can always, we can always "she replied.

"Party on our own "I sent.

"So raise ur glass "she sent.

"Hey honey, u should have started it off with slam, slam oh hot dam what part of party don't u understand" I sent laughing as my feet travelled knowing the way.

I love that song by Pink, the summer it came out I sang to it. Everyday. Yes it was that awesome.

"Will do, so what u up 2"she sent.

"Still walking home, wa bout u"I sent her.

"Me and Nina are waiting on David to finish practicing -sad face-"she sent .

"2 bad 4 u " I sent her .

"She sent me a pic of a battery obviously her battery was dying so I sent her a quick bye.

I pulled my headphones from my pocket and pushed it into the phone, I love music, obsessed. I have over 300 songs on this and then there was my IPod. The into ballad to Distance by Christina Perri played as the song started making me drift off, I love this song it was just beautiful. I love just about any genre of music, RNB to Pop to Country you name it, it's my kind of music.

I turned the corner to walk through the ally, where I usually walk, barely anyone was there. The music seemed to get louder making me cringe as my ears started to hurt, so I just turned it off and continued my way home, this walk is tiring. As I came to the darker end of the ally I could see two figures standing in the near end, just about the same height and seemed to be talking, I made my way closer. I didn't know whether to listen to the conversation or make a run for it, they looked dangerous, I'm guessing since I moved closer to hear the drama, I was gonna listen to the conversation.

"Cole you need to get him out of here, you need to get out of here", the guy further from me spoke in a quiet yet loud voice, his voice was a bit deep but a comfortable deep.

"Ty, I can't yet, by next month I will" the sexy voice spoke who I'm guessing is Cole dude.

"Cole why next month, when he finds you your dead" the first voice spoke again.

"Ty, am I gonna shit money out of my ass to take care of him". Sexy voice said which had me cracking up.

"Fine, next month and then I want you out of here" The deep voice spoke.

"Cool, now I got to get out of here to go get him." Sexy voice spoke.

"Cole, stay safe please and take care of that boy." Deep voice said.

They did the man huggy thingy and let go, deep voice left first and then sexy voice turned to go, only he was walking towards me. Trying to get my body to move again, I looked back and forth to where his figure stood taking my chances I started sprinting to the end of the ally...and pause.

You know in that scene of the movie where the white girl is running and she falls down just when she's about to get away, yup I'm that white girl... anddddd scene!

Just to the end I was falling endlessly to the concrete floor, upon my long awaited arrival I hit the floor and everything, my chest, thighs and most importantly my boobs were in pain.. And I mean pain. I rolled over on my back only to stare at the god like figure above me.

"Who the hell are you and why are you following me?" spoke the husky voice.

Ohhh I'm dead......

Tell me what u think........

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