Something Like Love.

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Hey, totally enjoyed writing this chapter, so sweet n chizz. hOPE YOU ENJOY!!

Listen to song..eeppppp!!!


Ariana's P.O.V

A game in which a number of players conceal themselves in an environment to be found by the seeker; Hide and Seek.

"Kitten, where are you" I could hear Cole's voice cooing somewhere in the dark room.

We were playing hide and his house....and he was the seeker. If it's not an obvious statement, there's only one way this game would end; and that was with him finding me, and obviously he would seeing I was playing on his territory.

Using my hands to guide in my direction, I tried moving away from the sound of his voice to where I stood behind a wall.

Silence fell around the room; not a foot step, not a sigh, nothing. I keep getting myself into these sad situations.

Why would I on my own free will play hide and seek in the dark with, The Christian Rivers?

What if... he was gonna rape me, I could clearly remember myself and him having abrief conversation about rape and it ended with him chuckling.


I waited patiently for a sign of Cole so I could get a move on but still... Nothing.

"3 in the morning, know I'm going to bed, so won't you come over to my place, put a smile on my face" I could hear the lyrics o Chris Brown's song No Bullsh!t.

What was Cole up too.

Totally forgetting the fact I was jeans and some panties away from being raped, I stepped a little bit away from the wall and started dancing, that song was my jam. What can I say, music is my kryptonite; this was just a low down dirty shame.

"Turn around.."his hot breath blew at my neck.

Jesus take the wheel.

I could still hear the music blaring in the background as I turned to see a fiery eyed Cole. This was not good. Even in the dark I could see his disheveled hair, vivid green almost blue eyes and I took careful notice of his clenched jaw, he looked like he was having an inner battle with himself, but for what?

His hand lifted to push a lock of hair behind my ear and subconsciously I leaned into his touch, his hand fell back to his side and sad to say, I was expecting more. More of what you ask.....I don't know, I was just expecting more.

Having coherent thought right now was kinda hard and Cole really wasn't helping the situation, he was just standing there... in jeans, looking all sexy. His broad shoulders were clear, his abs....those were something to see, and that 'V' you wish ever male had, Christian was something to see.

But he wasn't playing fair whatsoever. It was completely unfair of him using his sexiness to seduce a poor girl. Unfair I say!

I could feel my palms getting clammy and if me fidgeting from one leg to the next didn't give way the fact I was nervous as shit, I didn't know what will.

"Why are you so nervous" he asked so quietly I almost didn't hear.

"W-What makes you think I'm n-n-ne-nervous" I asked in a stuttering mess.

I didn't get a reply, what I did get was a preview of how this night was going to end...and you can only guess.


"No I will not tell you what we did" I scolded at Trish trying to bribe me into telling her the dirty details of what myself and Cole did not even twenty-four hours ago.

"Whyyyyyy" she whined "just tell me, you will eventually" she said.

And here was another of the sad situations I put myself in.

"Did he go down on you" Trish pointed out and I almost choked, I can literally feel my eye balls falling out of their sockets. Where did I go wrong with this girl?

... But who knows, he probably did.

"Oh! So you went down on him" she said and I gave the exact reaction I did when she made her first guess.

...But who knows, I probably did.

"Is he big?"

"Trish please, stop with the guesses, I can't believe you think of me in such ways, doing such things." I said...why would she think such thing, I would never...

"Is he freaky" she prompted once more disregarding my statement.

"Ari, tell me, I wanna know" she said after she was possibly done with her sick guessing.

"Trish, I love you but sometimes I seriously wonder for you sometimes" I spoke sincerely.

"Don't change the subject, tell me" she said acting like a five year old not getting her way.

"Trish I say this in all honor of the girl code, but I can't tell you, that's for me to know and you to dream and wonder about which I hope you don't do because that is plain sick."

"Bish please, I don't have to dream, that's why I have Chilly Willy, he takes care of all my needs" she stated matter of a fact.

"Bish, he doesn't want you the only reason he's here is because he doesn't have a choice, the poor idiot sadly has to put up with your pervert way of life. I feel sorry for the idiot" I said popping her tiny bubble.

Chily Willy is Trish's stuffed penguin; my condolences go out to him.

"Boo, what are you trying to say" she glared at me.

"Nothing Trish; nothing at all."

"You're soooo lucky I'm in a good mood right now or I would have choked you then accidentally throw you out the damn window" Trish stated still slightly glaring at me.

"Don't hole back babe" I replied to her love.

"If you tell me all the good stuff, I promise not to murder you" she said with hope...that I was going to brutally kill.

... gonna make sure to double lock my doors tonight.

"Trish.." I groaned trying to get her to move away from the subject.

"Fine, fine" she sighed.

Finally, that chapter was closed.

"But don't hesitate to just tell me about it if you feel in the mood."

...This girl.

Moving on.

"Trish, I've been thinking lately...about Cole...and me, us." I said afraid of getting to my point, I wasn't sure if I was ready to confess it to myself yet much less anyone.

"Ari, stop grinding around the bush and tell me what's going on" she said. This girl knew like the back of my hand.

"I think I love him" I said in a rush ".....Actually, no...I love him" I corrected.

It was silent as she looked intently at me.

"Look A, I've seen you at some of the worst times in your life. Nights where you cried over that last episode of Pretty Little Liars or to those nights you cried just because. You're not one to open up freely to new persons, you take time; if there's one thing I know it's that. I'm not telling you that you don't love him or you do that's up to you but are you sure you love him? And I mean you love him more than Pretty Little Liars, More than chocolate; I mean love him like a Nicholas Sparks novel...Are you sure."

......She kinda over did it on the 'more than chocolate' part but I understand. I can't tell the world enough how crappy my life has been; and trust me it has been. It's been tears, anger all of that and yes there's been love, but not like this. I have no idea what love is, but this has to be it... this had to be love.

"I love him" I said surely.

"Well that's all I needed to hear, so let me top of this moment with a quote.

"You want what everyone wants...

You want a love that consumes you.

You want passion and adventure.

And even a little danger."She recited.

"And Ari, if that doesn't sum up your feeling for him and the feeling that when he's present you feel...Cole isn't it because that quote just summed you up in a couple stanzas, that's your love Ari". Trish finished with tears ushering down her cheeks.

"This is love" I whispered...trying to make the moment real, I don't know but; this was love.

Trish reached out to grab my hand in hers.

"This is your love she said mimicking my words.

I felt like crying, smiling and screaming all at love supposed to feel like this?

"Come on babe, let's get ready for graduation, and let's see how our boys throw their caps up." Trish said practically dragging me form the bed....the life right.

As Trish said, let's go watch these boys throw up those caps.


Hello happy people, hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment tell me what you think! -ash!

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