Seduction I said and Seduction it Was. Part 1.

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Sorry sorry sorry sorry for the late update if I say exams are killing me it is an understatement, hope you like and enjoy.

Seduction I said and seduction it was. Part 1.

Cole's P.O.V

It was either I was imagining things; she knew I wanted something and was determined not to give it or she was going through that monthly thing for girls. No no, she was ignoring. I'm going to take a leap and say she upset and with my brilliant mind I'm going to guess because of last night and my keep leaving her hanging. But If I said I had a good reason would you believe me. Well here it is. I'm the bad guy, and no this is not a situation where I don't feel worthy of someone or their love it's just that I know she can do better.

This is the last class of the day and if it meant I had I had to jump on her to stop her from leaving the room that's exactly what I was going to do. She is was too quick for her small size. I've had to run her down this whole day and always ended up losing her, or so she thought. I loved the thought she thought she was faster than me, I just chose to let her be stubborn and let her run.

"Complete page 16 for home class exercise 6.12 " the teacher announced boringly.

I stared at my small kitten anxiously tapping the floor, I knew she was going to run but I won't let her leave until I got what I wanted.

Zinnnnnnnnnnnnnng! The bell sounded off, with that I swiftly ran to the front of her desk trapping her inside so she couldn't leave. I waited silently as the teacher and the students hastily left. I stared own at a slightly panicked yet slightly pissed and angry Arianna. Hey long brown hair was pulled into messy bun while she wore a baggy top, jeans and blue converse. Sexiest thing ever.

"Why are you ignoring me kitten" I asked.

Still not looking at me she spoke "What makes you think I'm ignoring you" she answered.

"Well let's see, every time you've seen me today you somewhat sprinted in the other direction and now your refusing to look at me." I said smartly.

"I'm not refusing to look at you, it just happens that well,.... fine I don't want to look at you and no you don't need to know why so can u just get to the point of why you are keeping me from leaving the wonderful place called school." She said defeated at my argument.

"Why so angry little kitten, and before I can get to the point of why I'm not letting you leave this wonderful place named school I want to know why you don't want to look at me." I spoke.

"Cole I'm not in the mood, can I just go" she whispered.

"No you can't, look you don't have to tell me, just at least look at me" I said trying to compromise.

I waited in silence as it looked like she was thinking before she flashed me classic hazel eyes. Perfect.

"Thank you" I whispered now leaning towards her now on eye level as I hovered over her.

We stared at each other for a moment, I could feel her warm gaze heating my body as she looked me over. What is she doing to me?

"Can you do me a favour please" I asked breaking the comfortable silence.

"It depends on what it is" she spoke.

"I need you to watch Tristan foe me" I made my proposal.

"Why do I need to it and why can't you" she said.

"Well for one I trust you enough to watch Tristan and two because I need to be somewhere and he can't be there with me." I replied.

"Ok Cole, where do you need to be and why do I think it's not at some girl's home with you both in an awkward position". She said, I almost died.

"That's because it's not." I said smiling.

"Look I don't mind watching Tristan, but why do you trust me and you only met me 24 hours ago how are you not sure I'm some serial killer or something" she asked me.

If it wasn't for the seriousness of this situation I would be laughing my ass off.

"I have my reasons and I know for a fact you're not a serial killer Kitten". Isaid.

Pushing me away from the seat she sat in, she stood and packed up her books and whatever else while showing some skin which had me all too happy.

"Shut up Cole and stop calling me Kitten". She said walking from the classroom and well being the good person I have been for the day I needed a reward.

"Don't I get a gift for being such a good person today" I asked pulling her back to where I stood next to her desk.

"No you don't" she said feisty trying to pull away from me, which was not helping her situation.

"Well I think I should get one and I intend to get one either with your consent or gladly without it. And seeing as how this situation is turning out I'm going to say it's without your consent".

"What do you want Cole." She said annoyed but softly as if at war with how she should react or feel.

"I want a kiss, one kiss." I said.

"No Cole, and don't even bother trying to seduce me into it, lets just go" she said slipping out of my grasp.

Okay, now I was in a pissy mood. The fact that she just turned me down had me wanting her more and as result of that my friend below found that a turn on.

That's the situation I have with my little kitten, she doesn't get that I always get what I want. And totally disregarding the fact that she could do better, I wanted her. She will be mine.

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