Seduction I said and Seduction it was. Part 2.

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Seduction I Said And Seduction It Was. Part 2

Cole's P.O.V

This is a brief history lesson; Craig is one of the many troubles I have met in my life. ONE of the MANY. I even capitalized on that for you. I got myself mixed up in Craig trouble a few years back when I was caught in my joy ride of being a bad ass and well my ass got itself in trouble where technically I borrowed some money from him and well he's looking at it as if I stole it. How can you steal something that was stolen, but anyway basically blah! Blah! Blah! He wants money blah! Blah! Blah! I have to give it back, end of story.

It's not the money that has me a bit on edge it's the consequences and those consequences had my life and the line and I don't play when it comes to my life.. Tristan. Tristan was the consequence, and if I didn't get Craig his money it was Tristan. If anything happened to him I don't know what I would do, he was my life and I made a promise to myself that I would protect, love and care for him and I don't plan on breaking that.

(I can just see your faces right now)- Sweetly_Autumn98

"I have a proposal, well more like a demand." Craig's voice spoke.

From the top of the building where we stood, the scenery was beautiful. Now two things sure running through my head, 1. Why did we meet at the top of a building, a lot of things could happen and 2. Why was I mentioning the damn scenery in a situation like this? It was cloudy, which made the air thick with mystery and the tension between us both rise. It was like a Wattpad story. Yes, I know about Wattpad they have some pretty good dirty stories. I'm lying I just saw something on kittens phone she had some book reading named Twin Obsessions. It was pretty good.

"And what is the proposal" I questioned.

"Well Christian, The proposal is, instead of repaying me the money. I'd rather you start back working for me". He spoke.

I barely heard past what he said after Christian.

"I don't go by the name of Christian", I spat, "that's Cole to you and you know I don't fight anymore." I finished.

Yes, yes ladies. Add street fighter to my list of occupations I may have missed it.

Craig's voice boomed with laughter. I silently wished he could swallow his damn tongue.

"That hit a spot didn't it; I knew it would annoy you. But back to business. Cole it's not an option I'm telling you that you will fight".

"Craig I have no problem paying you the money, so I'll pay it and move on, but I'm not fighting." I said getting pissed.

"Cole, as much as I would love to get the money, really; I'm getting instructions from a higher power so I don't want the money, I want you to fight or as usual there are always consequences".

"I'm not fighting" I said stepping to him.

He stepped as well without fear. "You've met some people lately haven't you Cole" he asked but not as a question more like he knew.

"I've met a lot of things lately" I answered back. Now we were eye to eye.

"Cole you know I don't bluff, so when I say that every single one of your loved ones will suffer and suffer greatly and by loved ones and specifically directing this to Tristan and that other person.. I think her name is Arianna is it" he said . I just saw red, how did they find her. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"Well with that said Cole, the venue is the same; you have a match next week Tuesday and Friday, 8pm sharp." And then he left.

All I had were my thoughts, my fears and a lot of anger.

Arianna's P.O.V

"What do you want to eat tonight babe" I asked Tristan while sitting him on the stool in the kitchen.

After picking tristan up from school, Cole passed by some pizza place I guess where he works and brought out a knapsack with a few of Tristan's clothing and walked us home. He was a bit tense as he walked us home who was not like his perverted self which made me want to ask him what was up but I let him be, he seemed to be in his own world.

He couldn't be upset with me because of the classroom scene could he. I mean if anything he deserved it, he's getting a taste of his own medicine and no I didn't do it willingly because if anything I wanted to kiss him too but I was not going to be all needy and just let him have his way, he needs to know that two can play at this game but I felt somewhat like I lost.

"Hot dogs" his happy little voice screamed.

"Hot dogs it is babe."


After a very cheerful dinner with Tristan me eating 3 hot dogs and him an amazing 2 and a half, I washed him up and put him to bed.

As I stepped into my room I immediately searched for my iPod and it was hello sound system as I entered my playlist. And adorn came on by Miguel and people I was singing like I owned the damn thing, I love this song. Towel and brush were partners in this performance and I was rocking it. -these lips can't wait to taste your skin, baby..... Just let my love, let my love adorn you- Love the song.

After singing my favourite line, I got some underwear and a t-shirt and went to check on Tristan. Where was Cole so long, sad to say I was worried? Going downstairs I went to get some juice before going to bed. Just as I was about to face palm onto my bed there sat Cole looking sexy, mad yet calm as ever on my bed, I almost had a damn heart attack and all he could do was just sit there looking all sexy.

"Cole" I whispered when I could catch my breath. I still stood by the door taking him in and shamelessly checking him out.

"Tristan's sleeping" I said trying to break the silence.

"I guessed that much" he replied as he stood strolling over to me and I like an idiot took a step back every time he took one forward and I guess you can see where I ended up between him and the wall, again. AWESOME.

"Are you scared," he asked. His blue green eyes seemed unusually darker and his whole male persona said dominant and would you believe, that added to his sexiness. His hair was ruffled, hard jaw, lips very visible and very biteable and we'll stop there before I give a biography on his upper body.

"No" I breathed to him trying to find my lost voice.

"Really", he said his arms wrapped around me pulling me to him as his head went right to the crock of his neck where he nibbled his way up, my knees were on the verge of giving out as my toes tingled with an unusual sensation, my balance was lost where his strong arms held me upright.

His large hands grabbed my butt and gave a squeeze, before coming back to rest on my hips while his lips assaulted my neck, his sweet assault went from my neck to my jaw where he repeated his actions to my neck, his cheek brushed against mine as I impatiently waited for him to kiss me but teasing seemed to be his thing. He shocked a gasp out of me when he licked at my earlobe and I swear I died and went to heaven at the sensation, he got skill. The heat of his breath tickled my ear while his tongue went on its own journey and I was enjoying the trip.

"Cole, stop teasing me and kiss me" I said annoyed at his teasing but very much enjoying it.

"Kitten" he spoke in his sexy husky voice, "I'm very much trying to control myself but if you keep speaking in that very sexy voice, you might not be a virgin tomorrow" he groaned. And I blushed like an idiot. He's sexy.

Stopping his actions he took his arms from around me and stared at me for a while. I can feel his eyes burning my skin wherever he looked and it got my body heated and I could just see him mentally taking off my clothes.

I stepped around him to go and sit on my bed.

"Come lets go to sleep" I said to him still standing by the door. As much as I wanted to just kiss him and do dirty things to him, I'd settle for some cuddling right now, he looked exhausted and he didn't protest at my request. He just turned off the lights and came and laid next me before cuddling me into his body.


I wasn't one to let my guard down, at all but no matter how bad I wanted Cole I knew he wasn't a saint I just couldn't keep myself from wanting him. And part of me just didn't mind.


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