Wanting The Bad Boy...The End.

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  • Dedicated to All my readers!!!

Hey guys, :'(, this is the final chapter of this book...I'm going to mis writing updates for you guys L you unicorns were the greatest, I feel so sad right now...no chizz, I will miss you guys but let me not depress you guys. This chapter was one of my fave and I'm really nervous wondering if you guys will love it and I really hope you do, I wanna say thank you to ALL my readers this book would not be where it is if it weren't for you, HUGE THANK YOU TO the people who inspired this story you guys know who you are, Unicorn thank you to my hype commenters, you were and are the greatest (gummyworms0628 and chelseajadexo) :p BIG THANKS to my Editor (Hoplessromantic0) I am gonna miss you guys sooooooooooooooo much, hope you love this chapter, love you guys!!!!! Enjoy!

'Hey, meet me at the studio...'



"They hold on tight, Yeah, they hold on tight, Ooh, they hold on tight, Them lips won't let me go...(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)...

Step for step, beat for beat; I moved slowly across the room to the beat of the song, and I was performing for an audience.

The lighting in the studio was dim, the mirrors gave me a sense of comfort as the air around the room hugged me. The lyrics of the song was driving my movements but my focus was on one thing, him.

"Don't let this go to your head, but you're the best, I've ever had" the beat of the song was echoing off the walls as advanced towards him; I gave myself a round of applause enjoying how tense his body had become; I got skills.

I walked towards him; pulling him from his chair, he stood to the centre of the room, perfect.

Walking slowly around him, I stood behind him and held him from behind then moved my body against his hoping he would comply and move too, and he did.

"They hold on tight, Yeah, they hold on tight, Ooh, they hold on tight, Them lips won't let me go...(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)...

As the chorus came again, I made my movements swift and quick so I was now in his arms; legs and arms secure around his waist as I waited for the moment of my big finale.

He looked entranced, his eyes were only focused on me. Outgrown hair, heated eyes and his facial featured angular and defined, he looked delectable.

"Happy Birthday" I whispered. Pressing a sweet kiss to his lips...


(Play Other Song)

Cole's P.O.V

"Happy Birthday" she whispered, soon followed by her lips on mine.

How did she even know? I could feel her about to pull out of the kiss, but I wasn't quite ready to end it, so I bit on her lower lip bring her lips back to mine.

"I wasn't expecting a present" I stated "But I love it" I finished now looking into her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me" she asked.

"To tell the truth I almost forgot; I just remembered today" I told her truthfully.

"Oh Cole, happy birthday either way" she said a smile gracing her lips.

It was shocking how much I loved her; it scared me sometimes. How could one girl just be so perfect, she has changed me so much and I don't even think she knows it. Cuddling, Holding hands and all that shit; it wasn't me but with her, what wouldn't I do.

I don't ever want to relive a love like the one I had with Lea, it was one of the worst experiences of my life, losing her made me lose part of myself and if you've ever lived through pain, you know lost love is the most painful; but I would go through all of that again because I found Ariana...my Kitten.

The love I had with her was a rush in itself, if that makes any sense. It was full, electrifying; I don't wanna loose that...I don't wanna loose her.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked looking at me intently.

"How in this world am I ever gonna stop loving you" I said.

...How am I gonna ever stop loving her....

Ariana's P.O.V

When all else fails....Threaten people.

"Christian, let's just remember that this is going to be a very long trip and hmmm, you're gonna want some action to survive so..yup! I'm just saying" I spoke looking him dead in the eyes, we were wrestling in the presence of friends and sure to say it was girls against guy...and these girls conveniently happen to be their girlfriends..mwahahahahaha!!!

It was Moi, Daze, Trish, Nina, Jane along with Kade, Xane, Alex, and David; these poor idiots.

We decided to have a little trip before the guys had to go off to college, so here we were on the beach doing what only awesome people do.

"Kit, that's unfair. You can't use my needs against me" he whined not backing down.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry" I said being sympathetic as the girlfriend I am "But this has to be done; it's me or, the guys, your choice" I said popping his little bubble of hope.

Sorry boys!

We sat across a plastic table from each other and we held each other's gaze; it was obvious he'd backed down, but I still needed to hear the words.

"You're a monster" he said now glaring playfully at me "Sorry boys, I don't have a choice" he spoke as groans sounded around the table as well as roars of victory , #girlpower I say.

I watched closely as the guys stood together and were now discretely trying to walk away, something was up.

"Where are you guys going"? I asked.

"Oh nowhere...just watch your back" and then they were gone.

...was this some damn movie!!!!

"They up to something" Daze spoke now that we made our way down to the beach.

"Of course not Daze, they were just being weird for fun" Nina said in a sarcastic tone.

Here we go again.

"Guys, cool your shit, we need to figure out what there up t-"

#shit #shit #shit #shit # shit!!!!!

We're under ambush! and I am half near death because a water balloon just hit me square on the ass. Huge thank you to bikini's.

I turned to see 4 buckets filled to the rim with water balloons... #MayMySexyPhenominalAssRestInPeace.

My feet took off before I could along the shores of the beach and what was getting under my skin was Cole behind me just gliding away like he was just waiting for me to give up and surrender; so I was here running like an idiot trying to save my life and he was here not even breaking a sweat, are you shitting me right now?

I kept running for what felt like hours...days...A lifetime, damn I'm really lazy. I'm not about this running life, I felt like would fall face first into the sand any moment now.

But I shalt not give up, I will survive; for Narnia!

I ran...and ran....until I was tackled.

As soon as I met the sand I felt like I died, do you know that feeling of having your period and you feel like your vagina is gonna fall off and you're at the same time realized you had Math homework...that's how I felt but twice the same while being hit by a bus. My poor boobs, they didn't even make it to Ian Somerhalder's room.

"Do you know how stupid you look running Kit" he chuckled looking down at me "You looked like you were about to suffer from cardiac arrest." He laughed; but it was anything but funny.

I was dying; 1. He was crushing me, 2.my boobs were in severe pain, 3. If he hoped to multiply on this earth he better get off of me in like a mili second.

"Cole, get off of me please" I asked him stiffly.

And do you know what the idiot did; the idiot laughed.

"Why would I do such, Kit"

"If you are fond of your balls you would get a move on it; now move Cole" happy that caught his attention because he was off of me before I could finish the sentence.




"You're still an idiot." I spoke as he came closer to me.

"I love you."

"Don't you ever forget it" I whispered as he leaned towards me to capture my lips in a kiss.


"I'm going to miss you" I whispered into his neck.

We were standing along the sea shore as twilight came and you could see the sun on its way ready to set.

"Kit, I'm not going anywhere...not without you."

"Look, you're going away for collage and I'm just a senior in high school and don't even think of the option of staying here, I'm not going to hold you back" I whispered "Just tell those collage girl to keep their hands off alright" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm not going anywhere without you Kit, end of conversation; if I'm going you're coming with me and I can't leave you here with other guys...I don't like people touching what's mine" he said but no honey; not end of conversation.

"Christian Rivers you will go to college end of conversation" I said sternly.

"Are you coming with me?" He asked.


"Then no."


"How about this, you come with me and we all live happily ever after."

"It's completely pointless fighting with you.'

"Then don't fight with me" he said cheekily.

'How did I ever fall for you Mr. Rivers?" I wondered to myself..

He guided me into the water and lifted me into his arms; talk about a perfect moment.

He brought his lips to mine but we didn't kiss, nope we just looked at each other until I advanced towards him. My eyes were closed tight as I continued with what I was going to say "You know I could think of 101 ways to fall in love with a bad boy " I asked breathily against his lips "But this wasn't even one" I finished slowly pressing my lips to his.

My fingers made their way through his out grown hair as he dominated the kiss.

"Well Kit, make this 102."

Ashley's P.O.V (Your awesome author, duh!!!)

"Look you damn skyscraper, don't talk to me like I'm dumb, who do you think you are."

"Ok Cole, where do you need to be and why do I think it's not with some girl with you both in an awkward position."

"Cole, if you haven't noticed. I don't want to be angry with you tomorrow, I wanna drop kick your ass today."

He has the 5 thinks that make a bad boy:

1. The body

2. The looks

3. The bad boy vibe

4. Secrets

5. (insert yours)

Through the games, awkward moments, the goodbye's and I'm sorry's. This is how Ariana Smith, awesome, crazy, eat a hamburger in your face, with a dash of your normal American teenager ended up Wanting The Bad Boy.

The END.




The spin off of this book is now available on my profile.

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