Find them

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behind a huge wall I took a deep breath in and out. My wounds were sore and Catilyn's wound was torn open.
I took my bandages and tied them around the wounds.
Shit ,that hurts more than i thougth.
But now im here home ... I hope without a beating.
* cough *
"Mhmm I missed the air" I said ironically
I literally see Caitlyn's Face in front of me as she gives me a lecture.
Y/N smiled.

(Timeskip day after at Caitlyn)
Where the hell i Y/N?.
Asked Caitlyn herself
"Y/N! Hey! We dont play hide and seek again!"Caityln screamed.
Whats that?
There is a Letter from Y/N:
before you go nuts, here's the letter. I am in the underworld for some time until I find Vi and Powder. I have to make sure that they are still alive ... and if so then that they are safe.
I'll miss you but I am sure that I will visit you,caitlyn.
In love

(back to Y / N where we stopped)
"FuCK YoU!KILL yoUrse#f! "
MILO WAS RIGHT!(vi's scream in Y/N head)

no... no...
Powder it was not your fault....
It was mine..
stop ...
"AaaAaARgHHHhH"(powders scream)
My cold, trembling hands cupped my ears .
Tears falling out my eyes and dropping on the floor.


In silence I stand up.
I wiped my tears from my face.

Okay. Lets go and find Vi and Powder

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