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Y/N tooks a warm bath because of her non-existent stamina.
Caitlyn changed in her room.

30mins past

You tried to stand up but you braced yourself against the wall.
You looked in the mirror -you saw all your bruises, wounds and scars .
Slowly you recognized a shadow in the background.
You didnt turn around
you realized.

She was there.


But something was strange, her eyes looked pink-

Suddenly she move
Everything got darker, you fell to the ground.

That isn't Powder
That can't be

Voices in your head grew louder and louder
Below you could hear Caitlyn screaming and laughing too, Vi swearing and screaming.
Powder screaming for help and laughing.
Vander telling his stories and scolding Vi not to use violence... the voices grew more and more


Your eyes slowly opened.
Everything was blurry and your beeping in your ear was so loud.
Your stomach growled.
Y/N forgot to eat.
Iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency and more could be made visible.

You heard someone talks quietly and hurt :... i thought...maybe you could love me like you used to.. even tho ...im different"



You heard a voice "i paid your girlfriend a visit this morning"
"What did you do..." a fast breath
"I made her a snack...."
"Jeeez... im not THAT crazy"

Someone pushed you.
Now everything gets a little more clear . vi...
You wanted to scream until you realized that you couldn't, your mouth was too taped
Powder tear off the tape.

You looked to Vi, she looked worried about you .
Akward silence
"Sooo... this is you - powder?"
You asked confused.
"JINX" she yelled at you
"I just asked- ... oh so you mean youre jinx because Vi told you before - You're a jinx-" you tried to sound like Vi.

"Thats not the right time Y/N- " Vi looked at you and tried not to show any emotions to you.

Powder or better Jinx looked confused at them/us.
Then she goes.
" well that was a short Party" you laughed softly and ironically -"i think i gotta go-" you stand up tbh you were no longer tied up.

"How long-"
Vi looked at you

You walked up to her and sat down on the table right in front of her. Your face was only a few inches apart .
"Apologize" you looked her deeply in her blue eyes.
"Com'on apologize"
she broke your eye contact and looked down
"Im sorry Y/N... i didn't mean it ...I can't forgive myself for leaving you and Powder again . "
She looked up again and stares at your eyes ... you vould say she saw your soul.

I love you

I loOOoOve yoUoU

The voices got loud and your head was pounding, your ears were beeping.
You snatched your hands to your ears to cover ,even though you knew it would come from inside .
You pulled your knees up and hid your head in there.

"Y/N ! Deep breath! LOOK AT ME! hey its ok -BREATH WITH ME... IN... AND OUT
In and out-"

It tooks a while you calm down but it helps.
You looked up and saw caitlyn in the corner of the room or whatever it was.
She looked so exhausted.

"The blue girl came out with a big gun...I wanted to stop her but she'd be too strong"

Vi stand up.
"How long-" you were confused about the fact that she also wasn't taped the whole time
"repetition" she said and winks at you.
You blushed hard but that wasnt the time for dirty flirts-

The two runs out except you - you hobbled fast.
Vi and Caizlyn notice and took your arms so that the two were a support for you.

It was too late
All of you saw the shot fire from jinx/powder.
You could tell from her posture that she was feeling very bad, so you tore yourself away from Vi and Cait with all your might and hobbled to Powder/Jinx
She couls kill you in your current form.
You hugged her from behind and whispered "I'm sorry you've had to endure all these years... im sorry... it must have sucked on you. all these memories"
Jinx, no -it was powder who accepted the hug and started crying.
Finally someone the Powder listened, showed compassion and understood
Y/N smiled soflty and Vi ran up to them.
Vi just hugged us.
Caitlyn stand there as you stretched out your hand .
Cait was unsure but she grabbed your hand and you hugged her with you

You 4, from loved ones to enemys ,from enemys to loved ones

You know the saddest thing about betrayal is, it never cames from the enemy
Accept your enemy and start helping him first.

I can't believe i finished-
Im so thankfull for all the comments ,votes and reader.
Please stay safe and take care of yourself.
Ik it might be hard but you are stronger than your fate /your thoughts
Keep going honey<3
If something is wrong, write me, i will listen and try to cheer you up

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