Oil and water

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Time skip(after the talk with vi and caitlyn to the enforcer)

After a nap you tried to stand up cause this feeling made you go insane.
Y/N needed to talk to Vi... or should she do the first step-
The clever one say sorry first.

Y/N limped to the window and jumped out...
(Youre dead)

(its a joke- youre not dead)

Y/N land on a roof ,your knee hurts bad but you wanted to talk to Vi so badly. There you saw Vi and Caitlyn walked in the rain in silence -but then Caitlyn tried to persuade her.
You jumped down on the last roof before ground.
"What abou you and Y/N?"
Vi:" oil and water... wasn't mean to be"
Caitlyn started to looked down and toke a deep breath.
Vi turned around and goes away with a disappointed look.




That will hurt.


Caitlyn looked fast around-
,,Damn Y/N.... what are you doing there?"
You lie on the ground with a tired smile
"I wanted to help...but i think its too late...sorry"
Caitlyn looked at you with a sadly smile and grabed your hand.
"Don't do that again ,honey"
Y/N blushed and nodded.
You could swear that somebody in the background were watching you.
You tried to focus more but then the person disappeared .

What the hell was that?

Caitlyn pulled you out of your deep thoughts.( yes ik you're a overthinker -)
"Let's go back and take a warm bath/shower"
She took your arm and put it on her shoulders so you could support yourself

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