Chapter One

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It had been a good life, but like all good things it must come to an end. Unfortunately this was not a good end. Glass was being shattered by the bullet coming like in like rockets. People were screaming, running and bleeding. This catastrophe was because of me, of course. I had let my guard down once and only once that caused this.

I walk out of the building calmly as if the world was seemingly ending. The two snipers on the roof above me were waiting for me to come out into shooting range. Of course little did they know, their shadows down on the sidewalk gave away their positions. My pistol against their snipers, the odds were not in my favor. But the snipers positions against mine, they couldn't move their guns fast enough to shoot me before I put bullets through their heads. I turn around to be greeted with the backup. Black SUVs come flying around the corner of this narrow Third Street in Small Town, Colorado.

No one said anything to me as they climbed out of the SUVs and grab guns, computers for the aftermath or whatnot. They went to work just like they were trained too. We didn't bother helping any of the victims, which in this case was going to be the EMS's problem; we wouldn't even worry about trying to erase the past ten minutes. They were just going to have to live with the nightmares forever.

"Get into the car," Gareson commanded once he spotted me.

I chose wisely not to argue with the Commander and that had surprised him. He was so used to my arguing, my snarky remarks and sarcasm. Guess a few months can change a person. So like a good person that I was not, I waited in the car until the patrol and all was over. I admired the seat covers and the back full of black boxes that carried computers, guns, knives, bombs and drones.

"Do you know how pissed I was when I get the call that some place was being shot at. It was my day off too. And then I find out that it was located in the same town that you were stationed in," Gareson yelled at me as he got into the front seat.

"Well it took you long enough to get here."

The driver looked at me like I grew a third eye.

"Pay attention to the road. I did not include you into this conversation." I point at the driver.

"We needed you to stay undercover for at least a year and you can't even make it for six months."

"No, I needed me to stay undercover. And it didn't necessary need to be a year. Plus I had it under control Gareson," I snap. I never wanted him to be disappointed in me. I had been the one to insist that I was ready for this mission.

"We both know you didn't have it under control."

"Fine. I had let my guard down once. So what?" I was trying to blow over the subject.

"Once is one to many times." Gareson looked back at me. His hair had grayed a little more that when I had last seen him. His eyes seemed tired. He probably had stayed up for the past few nights trying researching and trying to find intel.

I stared him right in the eye. I couldn't show him that all this time I had missed home when for so long all I wanted to do was to leave the damn place. I didn't was him too see that the first few nights alone I had cried myself to sleep when I never cried at all.

I finally broke the connection and looked out the window. Gareson gave the driver directions to my apartment for me to get my stuff. It didn't take long for me to pack the few belonging I had but I took a few minutes to get one last look at my temporary home. As much as I hate to admit it I was going to miss this small town, where nothing changed. It was nice to have a routine and not to have to worry that someone was following you. So eventually I slowly let my walls down, thinking I was safe but nope. Now I'm going back to the place I called hell.

All things have consequences, good or bad.

We had to drive three hours to the nearest airport that could get us directly to New York. I sat on the bench watching the people go by unaware of the dangers that chased them, while I waited for the crew to get all the gear checked in.

"The jet is waiting for us, Commander," one of the members told me. She was pretty, long black hair and blue eyes. The picture perfect Barbie that should not be fighting wars. But she was an orphan and she said yes to the offer, going through the excruciating training and knowing every day could be her last.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and linger behind everybody else. I felt out of place in my torn up jeans and sneakers while the guys were in black t-shirts and black cargo pants, the women in tight black suits with knives and guns strapped to them. Guess in the end I never truly belonged. The feeling was so normal though, I barley even knew it was there.

We showed our cards to the airport people before we boarded our planes. One of the guys stopped me before Gareson said I was with them. He gives me a once over before letting me go. I make my way onto the plane and slump down in the seat all the way in the back where I hope to be alone for a while.

"So you're just going to sit here by yourself?" I look up at the guy.

"Yes." I recognized him our driver.

"Can I sit with you?"

"Um no." It wasn't just a no but a hell no.

"Too bad." And he plops down into the seat next to me.

"Really? If you expect me to talk you it's not going to happen."

"Well I'm Parker Jackson." He thrusts his hand out. I eye it before I returned the gesture.

"Elizabeth Benet."

"As in Pride and Prejudice?" he asked.


"The movie? The book? The T.V. show?" He asks.

I just give him a blank stare, having no clue what the hell he was talking about.

"It's a British colonial soap opera, something like that. Contains a lot of drama, a love story. Not ringing a bell."

"Nope." I shrug.

"Hmm, that's too bad. We're gonna have to watch it sometime."

"And what makes you think we are going to hang out?" Was this guy kidding me? There was no way I was going to find time to hang out with him to watch a movie.

"Well, you are going to make me famous so we do have to look like we hang out."

"Make you famous?"

"Parker Jackson saves the badass, Elizabeth Benet. At the time she was a damsel in distress. Has a nice ring to it." He grins at me.

"If you didn't hear before, I had the situation completely under control," I retort.

"To the rest of us, sure you probably would have lived, but we all know how Commander Gareson is. If there are witnesses then you don't have it covered."

I thought about what Parker said as the plane took off to our destination. He was a hundred percent right. If there were witnesses watching, our entire operations would be at stake.

I made a face.

"You hate that I'm right, because I am, aren't I?" Parker smirks.

"Whatever. You might be right, but I'm still pissed. I don't want to go back, I hated it there."

"A lot has changed since you've been gone. It's still hell, but they have changed some of the trainers and the schedules." Parker shrugs.

"Right, they do that all the time, so what?" I scoff.

"You'd be surprised."

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